
Monday, February 23, 2015

Answers to Friday's Questions

Baby it's cold outside! The  weather isn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it is damned cold out there. I love cold and dreary, but my body hates it. I won't let the pain get me down though. So now, let's get to the answers for your questions.

The first one is from Debra,

Where did you live in Hawaii? Was it on the base in Oahu?

No, we didn't live on the base (Schofield). We, my mom, sister, and three brothers, lived with my grandparents in Wahiawa which was very near Schofield. We only stayed with them for a while then we moved to the northwest side of the island to Makaha. This was in the early 60's so the island wasn't that commercialized at the time. There wasn't the scenery blocking highrise hotels everywhere. It was still a nice place to have kids running around barefoot and alone to school through pineapple fields. It was still an innocent wonderful time. 

Living in Makaha was fun because we lived across the highway, which was a 2 lane black top that was rarely traveled, from Makaha beach. We would hurry though our homework and then run across the highway to the beach to play until mom called us for dinner. I was 9 yr's old and the oldest.

If you Goole Map Makaha beach, we lived where the Maunalahilahi Botanical Garden is now, and the highway is now 4 lanes. Makaha has built itself up from just a little place it was when we lived there.

The second question is from Birdie,

Do you have kids?

Sadly, no. David and I thought hard about it after we got married and decided it was something we didn't think was really necessary for our happiness as a couple.  He already has a daughter in her 30's from a previous marriage, living and married in Austin. We didn't want to have children so late in our lives. Some people might think we are selfish, but we were thinking of the child having elderly parents before he/she graduates high school.  

As for Pickleope, I will not even repeat that question. Like EWWWWWWW DUDE!!!  I do not, and will never perform lewd, crude, or rude actions. You are one sick puppy. Just plain EWWWW!


  1. Kids are over rated. Cats are less problems.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. I don't even remember what I asked. I certainly don't remember writing anything that would illicit that sort of reaction. I apologize. This is why you don't drink and blog, people.

  3. I think having kids late in life is something one really needs to think about, It is not something I would do. Mt kids are almost grown and I can't imagine starting over.

    I remember Pickleopes question and very glad you said no!

    1. I know. It was very hard for us to come to that decision but in the long run we are glad that we made the right one.

  4. It must have been so glorious to have been a kid in Hawaii!

    1. Oh darlin, it was a fabulous time to be a kid in Hawaii. Just being able to go to the beach after our homework was done was awesome. Mom never worried because we were pretty smart not to go out too far in the water and we knew how to swim.
