
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Weather, Vikings, and Postings, Oh My!

Our cold spell is over for a bit here in Texas but not for too long. It's supposed to get cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey by Monday morning. Yes! In the 20's!! I know right?!? That's fairly fucking cold out here in south central Texas where it doesn't get this cold that often. It will last about two days, maybe three. Then I hope we can get into planting our tomatoes and other veggies. I also need to move the rest of the more sensitive flowering plants like my begonias and bougainvilleas outside when it heats up to the 80's.
Oh! Oh! Tonight is the start of Season 3 of VIKINGS!!! YES!  We are so hyped about it. Three years ago, I was recovering from knee surgery while watching the middle of Season 1 when I got David hooked on it. Now David  and I can't wait for the new season to start again. He has been watching all the sneak previews since they started, but I refused because I want to be surprised about what I watch. I did do some reading and found a lot of history on real Vikings that I hope the show will follow. Other than that it would be nice to see a History Channel show actually show something close to real history instead of those stupid reality shows. Whoever got the idea for dumbing down America with reality shows should be shot.
Here is a map I found of extensive Viking settlements and raids throughout Europe, Iceland, Greenland, and Canada, The dark maroon color represents where they lived during the 8th century, red is the 9th century, orange is the 10th century, yellow the 11th century, and green represents Viking raids or attacks they made but never lived in. Pretty cool, eh?

Anywho, on to other shit. I now have decided to make Friday the "Ask Me Anything" day. You can ask me whatever your heart desires, but, you can only ask one question per Friday, per person. I may or may not answer it if I deem the question too sensitive. I will be posting the answers to the questions on Mondays and if the post is too long, Tuesdays. Otherwise, Mondays and Thursdays are for posting whatever news I have to tell you that is going on in my life. Tuesdays will be "Tickle Me Tuesday". Wednesdays are the "Wet Dog, Cat or Wierd Animal Wednesday". Saturday is for "Silly Sign Saturday", and Sunday is "Funny Religious Shit". So, now you know what to look for on my blog in case you only come to my blog for that one day. But it's okay, I do this for my entertainment, psychotherapy, and to keep from getting arrested. David told me two weeks ago that he was not using the income tax refund as bail money anymore.


  1. Thrilled to know you two are avid "Vikings" fans too! By Thor's Hammer, I love that show, LOL!

  2. I have never heard of The Vikings but I also go to bed at 8:00 like a child. I will have to wait for it to come out on Netflix.
