Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Oy! My Aching Back!

I love the rainy weather, it just doesn't like my lower back. This morning it took almost an hour to get through my back exercises when I usually finish in 20 minutes. Oy! Now that's really bad. I have been taking Zanaflex like the doctor instructed but it makes me so tired and it's benefits only last for 2 hours. That sucks.
I completely stopped taking Hydrocodone because it wasn't working. So I gave up on it. I just need to call my doctor and see what he can do for my bad days like today.

This morning I was watching the weather report on GMA and the North Eastern part of the USA is getting snow flurries off and on today. Well, that's what I heard. Crazy damned weather. We're expecting a cold front that will only take the temperatures down to the 70's. Break out the parkas and mukluks, right?

Pain is getting worse for me so I'm cutting this post short. Sorry. I will have my regular stuff like Wet Dog Wednesday and Canada Ey? this week. I will also be posting Ask Me Anything Friday. Now I have to hunt down that heating pad. Ciao my friends.


Birdie said...

You need a hot tub!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And a personal massage therapist! Who looks like one of the Chippendales. What the hell, it's a fantasy anyway, amiright!

evilsloth4 said...

If you wrote the cause in an earlier post, I'm having trouble reading archives. My lower back pain diminished considerably after watching an episode of MASH, about Hawkeye's backpain.

Pickleope said...

Hot tub, shmot tub, you need a barrel of marijuana. It's legal in a lot of places. Give weed a chance.
Sorry, I know you're inundated with people who think they're amateur doctors, and I didn't want to add to the chorus. I truly wish you luck and chemically induced relief.

greekwitch said...

Feel better my love. And if misery does indeed like company, I am on a hheating pad too. I can not blame the weather though. I did so many things I shouldn't!! Being impacient and having back problems sucks!!! I am sending you healing thoughts and prayers, love, light and blissful sleep wishes!! Mwah!

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