
Monday, April 13, 2015

It's Monday, Answers To Your Questions

 It's been raining off and on all weekend. I have to say we have a chance of thunderstorms here for the rest of the week. OY!!! I don't know if my back can take this punishment any longer. I'm just glad we are getting the moisture. We were drought stricken for years and now it's just wonderful to have all this rain.

A few weeks back, Debra asked me a question and I didn't see it. So today I will answer your questions dear.
Where the hell is Seguin in Texas? Is it a big place or a small town? Where did it get its name because it looks French to me. 
Well, first off, Seguin is pronounced Sih-geen. Seguin is a small town and the county seat for Guadalupe County Texas. The population is roughly 27,000. We are located about 36 miles East of San Antonio. About 162 miles West of Houston, and 52 miles South of Austin, the Capital of Texas. 

Seguin is one of the oldest towns here in Texas. It was established by the Texas Rangers in 1838 and originally called Walnut Springs. Later changed to Seguin in honour of Col. Juan Seguin who is of Hispanic heritage, after the Texas Revolution. He was instrumental in the fight for Texas Independence at the battle of The Alamo. Since he was Mexican, William Travis sent him out of the Alamo as a courier going for reinforcements. Upon reaching Gonzales Texas, he formed a battalion of Hispanic fighters that fought in the battle of San Jacinto with Sam Houston. Juan Seguin died in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico where he retired. His remains were returned to Texas in 1974 and he was buried in Seguin Texas.

Seguin is known for the Home of the "World's Largest Pecan". Pecan trees are all over the place here. We are also known for "The Biggest Small Town 4th of July Parade in Texas". Everyone around here comes to this parade. Below is a 4 minute fly by from a Go-Pro drone around Seguin Texas. Take a look.

Debra also asked: Would you rather be rich or famous?

I would rather be rich because then I could hide out and not worry about crowds of fans trying to get a piece of me. If you're rich you can go anywhere and enjoy life. It has its perks. 
Being famous is hard because everywhere you would go someone would be bothering me for my autograph or a picture. I couldn't live like that, always being stalked or watched by weirdos.  


  1. you live in such a pretty place! but it sure is flat. living in the mountains, i don't know from flat!

  2. So, Spanish not French . . . but pretty close! Love the fascinating history of your city -- and it is a fair-sized place with everything anyone could want, I'm sure. Any hey, I understand flat, coming from the prairies as I do.

    You don't want to be stalked or watched by weirdos? Hahahahahahaha and yet you blog! Don't worry, I'm harmless.

  3. Seguin looks downright idyllic. What the video and you do not address is, do you and/or your town generate some delicious pecan pie?

  4. Yes, this area is pretty flat. There is mostly farmland around the town growing soybeans, corn, cotton, you name it. It's also a very close knit community. There is only one high school and those that have gone to school and grew up here up until the 70's, stayed here and earns a living either by working in New Braunfels, 13 miles away or here at the Caterpillar Plant that was just built here two years ago. We really don't have any unemployment here because we are basically close to everything.
    Pickleope, you asked if we generate some delicious pecan pie. During the month of October, it is Pecan Fest. All month long something is going on that promotes pecans. YES! Even all kinds of recipes and competitions for pecan pie, cakes, brownies, chutneys, sauces, I could go on and on. There is always something going on here every month. July starts Trade Days and it goes on every two months for that. Trade days is something like an outdoor market where everyone from around Texas totes their wares to sell in the town square. There are umbrella tents everywhere in the street selling food, homemade soaps, plants, wood carvings, etc. There is a farmers market and we also have a car show with cars like the Model T to 50's Chevys. So much shit goes on here that you don't need to travel to Austin or San Antonio to have fun.
