
Monday, June 15, 2015

Tropical Storm Bill Is Lookin To Visit Texas

Southeastern and parts of central and south central Texas will be under a flash flood watch for the next 3 to 4 days according to our weather service. NOAA is saying that we should be prepared for flash flooding in low-lying areas as creek beds and rivers will fill bank to bank in our part of Texas, that is from San Antonio to Austin to Houston. Yikes!

Yes!! Tropical Storm Bill is out in the Gulf of Mexico, heading for Texas. Who knows what will happen. But it don't look too good for the areas still trying to dry out from the rain storms that hit 2 weeks ago. Most of east Texas is still trying to get their lives back in order. David and I are much too far from the coast for it to hurt us, But I still worry.


  1. Hopefully everything works out well for you and yours and everything turns out okay. For a tropical storm to follow on the heels of flooding seems like a straight mockery of California. "We're worried about too much water, why are you spitting dust!?!" Hopefully you stay unscathed.
