
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Give Satan Back His Weather Already

Spider plant

I found out last night that my sweet husband, David, ordered me 3 spider plants online on Saturday evening. That lovable stinker. He does things like that out of the blue. So now I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for the mailman to deliver them sometime at the end of next week.
The weather is miserably hot here. We haven't hit triple digits yet, but it might be sometime this weekend that we will. They are predicting 30% chance of rain this Friday into Saturday. Yeah right. Like when donkeys fly. 
Lucy balancing on the arm of my desk chair with her head
looking over my shoulder. She's trying to get my attention again.
The puppies are going stir crazy and it's beginning to bother me.  They are cooped up in the house all day because of the heat. Spunky, the blind oldest, wants to play ball all day, Lucy is constantly underfoot or on the arm of my chair. I think she's part monkey. Pebbles is the only one that leaves me alone except for when she sees a cat, then she's all over me wanting to go out to chase it. When they do go out, it's like slam-bam-thank-you-ma'am. They run out of the house like it was on fire. I think now I can have peace for a while. Hell no! They are on the back porch barking and jumping at the glass door wanting to be let in again. Then they go lay all over the tile floor, turning themselves every so often to get cooled down in front of the A/C. Poor hot babies.
Hopefully, this weather won't last too much longer. August will be over before it begins and September starts up the cooler mornings and that means COFFEE time and sitting out on the porch with the puppies for me again. The kids in the neighborhood will be going back to school and quiet  time will be mine.(I'm the only person at home in the Hood - sigh). I can't wait.


  1. Same with my dogs, though we unfortunately only have a little patio. So I have to walk them in this heat - ugh! And it hasn't even gotten THAT hot yet. :(

  2. You should get Spunky one of those automatic ball throwers for dogs.

    I have been meaning to ask you if those are your dogs in your header. Or maybe I asked you and forgot. But are they?

  3. i am there with you sistah.....i need fall bad!
