Halloween Countdown

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Monday, August 24, 2015

Oh Crap! It's Monday Again!!

I would have blogged earlier this morning, but I overslept. This is the second time. It actually felt good too. It's now 11:13 a.m. and I feel so refreshed. Okay, enough about me.
Did anyone see the Fear The Walking Dead 90 minute opening of their season last night? I thought it was pretty damned good. Just enough to wet yer whistle of things to come on that show. It made me all giddy inside when the dead started walking and no one knew how to kill them. I thought it was just right for the opener. David stayed up to watch it past his bedtime of 8 p.m. (he gets up at 5 in the morning, y'all) even though we taped it on the DVR. He really didn't, care he had to get his Walking Dead fix.
Today is supposed to be a hot one. We are still in the double digits, but the humidity is what makes it outrageously hot here. The first day of school went off without much crying, and that was from the teachers. I'm guessing from all the cheering that went on when the buses came around, that all the noise was from parents. Right now it's so quiet in the neighborhood. It's really quite nice. I do love it when summer is almost over.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

school started here today too. i don't know if i've ever slept that late in my life. i recently slept until 5:00 am and i felt like it was the end of the world. i was beside myself all day!

Birdie said...

My daughter goes back the day after labour day. This is her last year. This makes me so sad.

Vicky said...

I have Fear The Walking Dead sitting on my DVR waiting for the weekend :)

Anonymous said...

I'm not even caught up on The Walking Dead, though I've heard Fear the Walking Dead doesn't even have the same people or anything.
Kiddo started 1st grade today. Had to walk in muggy crap in the morning, and rain on the way back. Seriously. Texas. -.-

Pickleope said...

Hold on, even if David gets up at 5 AM, if he goes to bed at 8, that's 9 hours of sleeping. He gets 9 hours every night!?! I'm jealous.

Ol'Buzzard said...

Watched it
the Ol'Buzzard

Ol'Buzzard said...

Teachers don't get paid enough.
the Ol'Buzzard

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