
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday - The Ugly One

It's 64 degrees outside this morning. YEAH, 64 fucking cool degrees, People! The bad thing is that it will be hot today. San Antonio says 91, but I say in the mid to high 80's. You see this is a small town. We don't have big blowhards running around warming up the air out here.
Anywho, I am enjoying my coffee right now with the windows open. The wind is blowing a light breeze just enough to make the wind chimes stir. It's pretty nice today so far. Yesterday I busted my ass cleaning and doing laundry because I didn't feel like it over the weekend. So today I don't have a thing to do. I was going to just stay in bed and watch TV all morning, but I can't do that. It wears on my mind that I'm doing nothing when I can be doing something. I just have to be busy or go insane.
David has a birthday coming up this Sunday and we will most likely make a day of it. He loves to go to IHop for breakfast on his B-day so IHop it is. Then we will be visiting friends if he feels like it. He has no family to speak of except his daughter. She will most likely come down from Austin to visit. I love when she comes to see us.
Sunday night also starts the new season of The Walking Dead. David is so psyched for that. He has gone completely nuts with this zombie craze. He has gotten completely into the online Walking Dead comic book. He even reads it when he comes home for lunch. I won't say every waking moment is spent on that online comic book, but it's close. Thank the Goddess that his office has limited online web access. Otherwise, he would never get shit done.
This has been one fucking boring post. I'm sorry, but this is a quiet town, nothing really interesting or big happens here. So I'm going to repot some house plants right now and pick up and shell some pecans that fell from the trees in the yard. I might make a pecan pie tomorrow and a couple of banana bread loaves. Who knows.


  1. Enjoy the cooler weather while it lasts!

  2. Be careful with the repotting, it is a nasty business. Always seems much more innocent than it is. Today was my husband's birthday! We didn't do anything because I was feeling really crappy and after your post I feel even guiltier than before! I have to make up for today as soon as I get better!

  3. we are still in the mid to upper 70's each day and it barely goes below 60 at night. i am pissed.

  4. Not much going on here either and right now I like it that way!

    I love pecan pie!

  5. Y'know, in my experience, every town is flush with blowhards. Small towns in particular are plagued by the scourge of blowhards because you can't escape them as easily. They'll come to your house and corner you with their bloviation...or start a blog and unleash it on the world.

  6. Isn't the world great when you take time to stop - unplug and enjoy it? Our high for today here in western Maine is 64 degrees. The leaves are changing and the world is a color kaleidoscope. Have a good day
    the Ol'Buzzard
