Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

I'm In The Hospital

David was nice enough to bring my laptop so I could have something to do. Yes, I'm stuck here in the hospital until this pneumonia goes away. It sucks. I have no one to talk to because I'm in a single room. I do have the TV all to myself, if I choose to watch it. But I'd rather be reading blogs and news or sleep. I'm so tired all the time. 

I have an IV set up with antibiotics and I'm on a breathing machine instead of inside an oxygen tent. I think they gave me something to help me sleep because I'm so damned tired. But I'll finish this. 

Yesterday, my doctor didn't like the looks of my x-ray and immediately called David to get me and take me to the hospital. I am to stay here until this clears up. He says 3 to 4 days if I'm good. I heard one person was in for 10 days! All I can think of is there goes Christmas.

David comes in and stares at me with sad eyes. It bothers me when he does that. Like, go home and take care of the puppies and yourself, man. I'm okay. It freaks me out.

The nurse just came in to change my IV bag and give me a shot of something in my ass that has made me drowsy. I'm very tired so I'm cutting this short. Peace out.


jaz@octoberfarm said...

oh no!!! feel better soon!

greekwitch said...

This sucks! But is way much safer. I feel you will get over it soon and Xmas will be saved.Sleep it off my dear sister!!!

greekwitch said...

As for the boredom, I don't know if you like her. But I bingewatched Ellen videos!! I love you!!!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So now you don't have walking pneumonia, you have lying down in bed pneumonia! I hope you feel better soon from all the IVs, medication, oxygen and shots in the ass. You've got plenty of time to recover and be home in time for Christmas -- my fingers are crossed for you!

wranglerkate said...

Dear Leeanna - Pneumonia is no small matter. I had it myself once, and spent a week in the hospital. You need rest and meds. All best wishes for your return to health quickly!

greekwitch said...

I hope you are feeling better. You are on my mind all day!!! I wish I could give you a real hug. Now this is all I can do(((()))))

Iesadora said...

You poor thing just cant win for losing this holiday season =(

Birdie said...

Oh, Leeanna! I don't want you to be sick ever but getting sick at Christmas makes it even worse. I hope you get out sooner than anticipated.
Sending you lots of love!

Grey hair said...

it sucks to be in the hospital over Xmas
hope you get well soon

Valerie said...

Sending healing thoughts--in a way, glad you are in a hospital. Pneumonia is dangerous! Wishing you many healthy Christmasses

Pickleope said...

A tent and all that!?! All of my well wishes are to you. Are you sure you weren't bitten by the monkey from Outbreak? Are you the first zombie blogger? Seriously, though I hope you get to go home soon. I'm rooting for you!

Ol'Buzzard said...

Take care, My wife and I are thinking of you.
the Ol'Buzzard

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