
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Hillary's Lost Emails

Did all y'all see that tragic mistake on TV yesterday? Yes! I know right?!? Trump was on. YES!!! He was!!! Among all the other stupid things he said was that opened invitation for the Chinese Russian hackers  to give it a go and try to find Hillary's lost 30,000+ emails. Oh yes he did.! Now isn't that something like a treasonist statement or something there bouts? 
Anywho, what would those Chinese Russian hackers find in Hillary's emails? Maybe a recipe or two. Several thousand  baby pictures of the grandbaby. Ideas on how to care for that grandbaby. Pictures of pretty little baby clothes. Pictures of pretty gardens she saw on her travels abroad. Pictures of the sky at sunset. Pictures of funny cat memes from my blog. Correspondences from her to me about the funny cat memes on my blog. Several emails about a broad she is going to kill that Bill is banging while she's abroad. The occasional dirty joke making the rounds at the White House. Several funny White House memes. A picture of that dirty joke making the rounds at the White House. Pictures of the pretty gardens at the White House. Many more pictures of the sky, this time at sunrise.
Whatever the hackers find, I hope they are happily entertained as I was. 


  1. I can't do it anymore. I know it's my responsibility to be an informed citizen and voter, but I can't pay attention to that tangerine goblin spew any more insane things that a rational person, let alone a presidential candidate, should never say. Let me know when that hole in his soul gets filled up with enough attention and adoration of the fearful masses and he stops this nonsense.

    1. Darlin, that is a big problem, because Trump is one sick puppy. He needs help and none of his kids will commit him to a psych ward to get that help.

    2. and what are we going to do to keep him out of office?

  2. Trump is an idiot.
    Also included is about forty percent of the American Public that would vote for him.
    If we want to make America great, we need to educate people in schools that teach real science - with teachers that do not believe the earth is six thousand years old. Red Neck stupid is quaint, but it is still stupid and needs not to be celebrated. There should be a college level literacy test for politicians and they should be retested every four years. As long as half of the American population is dumb down stupid America can never be more than it is.
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. I can't believe how stupid people are. He waves this juicy carrot of lies in front of all these gullible idiots and they follow blindly. One of those sad followers happens to be my brother. I always thought he was smart, guess I was wrong.

    2. There are so many who we thought were smart and they seem to flock to Donald...makes no sense...

  3. If nothing else big happens regarding the emails, it's not going to be the issue on which the election hinges.

    For Hillary, I think it's like all of those East Asian fighting techniques: Stand out of the way and let your opponent take himself down by virtue of his own clumsy weight.

    1. YES!! OMG! So right!
      I'm voting for the lesser of the two evils which is Hillary. I'm probably going to lose a lot of readers but hey, if it keeps that idiot Trump out of the White House then so be it.

    2. I have not been able to figure out why everyone is so down on Hillary...she has been investigated so many times and exonerated every time...seems to be just a witch hunt...

  4. oh god your brother....every family has one.

  5. Loving this blog and your attitude...just had to become a!!!

