
Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tacky Tuesday

It's really day 5 of the hostage situation. 

This is Spunky. He's our only boy out of the 2 Boston Terriers that we own. He's blind from cataracts and 12 years old which makes him the oldest of the puppies that we have. He runs around the house as if nothing could possibly hurt him. He just doesn't care. Walls are his nemesis. We should have called him Tank because he acts like one. If you aren't careful he will run right over you. He also has laid claim to all the dog toys in the house. Everything in the toy box is his. If I gather up all the toys that he has left strategically around the house and put them back into the toy box. He will automatically go and get them out and put them back exactly where they were. It's uncanny how he does it. 
This is one of Spunky's favorite toys. It was from one of the Christmas stockings that we got a couple of years ago. It's a hard rubber spiky thing that he likes us to throw for him. Believe me, he finds it when you throw it and will bring it back to you to throw again and again or until he gets tired of the game, which is like NEVER.
It's a fugly dog bone shaped toy. I call it the Hooker Dildo. Why?? Because it looks like one. It's a tacky looking toy. David will not throw it for Spunky ever since he heard me call it a Hooker Dildo. He constantly tells Spunky to get that nasty dildo away from him when Spunky wants David to play. David never thought to call it a dildo until I said it one day. David needs to get out more.


  1. the moment i saw it i thought...scary dildo!

  2. Dave needs to surf porn. A dildo is exactly what I thought when I saw it. That doesn't make it a bad thing...
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. I would have thought the same thing. It looks like a dildo.
