
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Quick Note

Sorry, I'm running late but it's a bit cold today. I woke up late and in pain. David let me sleep late so I'm not complaining. We went up to Austin to spend Christmas with my step-daughter and we just got back yesterday. Since her divorce, she's done quite well for herself. She's living in a beautiful condo and she looks quite happy.  David and I were a bit worried about her but she's doing very well. We went out to lunch yesterday at El Patio which has the BEST Mexican food by far that I have ever had at any restaurant. If y'all are ever in Austin Texas, go there for lunch or dinner. You'll be well fed and leave fat and sassy.

Mmkay, I finally got my fingerless gloves that I ordered from Amazon. They're Copper Compression gloves and they're wonderful. My hands aren't as stiff or painful anymore which helps so much when I'm trying to do things around the house. I wish there was a compression glove for my body. Oy!! Yes!! Yes I do! This morning when I finally got up I thought I was in a body cast because my body was so stiff and the pain was beyond what I normally experience. It was pretty bad. Took me nearly half an hour before I could move. Thank the Goddess for my pain meds. That's another item. If I seem to ramble it's because I'm hopped up on my pain meds today.

I'm cutting this short. I'm going to go lie down for a while with my heating pad and read. I hope all y'all are doing fine.


  1. Still pain free, guess I've been blessed.

  2. Sending you prayers and spells of painlessness and relief!! And lots of love too!

  3. My wife and I are thinking of you.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. I am so sorry about the pain! Sending you healing prayers! I am happy the gloves are working for you! Big Hugs!

  5. I do consider all of the ideas you've presented in your post.
    They're really convincing and can certainly work. Still, the posts are very quick for newbies.
    Could you please prolong them a little from next time?
    Thanks for the post.

    1. If you read the end of this particular blog post you would see that I wasn't feeling well. I have an autoimmune disease which acts up at the drop of a hat. So if I cut things short on my blog or if I only write a couple of paragraphs it's because I'm not feeling well. What I write about or post is basically what I feel about at the time or what I experienced a day or two ago. I just write to entertain myself really. I'm not thinking about who would be reading my stuff.
