
Monday, February 27, 2017

Funeral Trip and Cooking Comfort Food

Hey, I'm back! Just like a bad penny, right? Well, the trip was a long drive up to South Dallas via I-35. I had a friend that lived up there and she died suddenly late Sunday night. I knew she had cancer and I thought she was kicking it again because this was her second round with that bastard. I guess cancer won this time. I got the call that the funeral was going to be on Wednesday so I packed quickly and drove up there Monday morning and I came back on Thursday. I was numb from her unexpected death. Still am. But I can't dwell on it, life goes on.
David didn't go with me because he had meetings and such at work. I was able to find my way up easily thru I-35 and I almost got a ticket for speeding. I was going as fast as the other cars, but I got picked. It was just after I drove through Temple. When I told the officer I was driving up to Dallas for a funeral, I guess he took pity and just gave me a warning. Nice cop and soooooo cute. Oh, if I wasn't married and 30 years younger... The trip took almost 3 hours. I took the toll road(Texas Autobahn) I-130 to bypass the heavy Austin traffic. Nobody drives on it very much so it was clear driving all the way up past Georgetown. Then I took I-35 the rest of the way. I made better time driving the Autobaun than I-35. Bunch of assholes drive like sightseers up there north of Waco. But I did get to Dallas in record time. Glad David wasn't with me, I would have never heard the end of it. It was a fast trip but it took a toll on my back for sitting in the driver's seat for so long. I'm glad I brought my heating pad for the hotel and my meds so I was okay. It took most of the last part of the week when I got back to get out of my funeral funk and stop hurting physically. I'm feeling much better now, so don't worry. 

I forgot to set up Wet Dog Wednesday for y'all, sorry about that. Although I did have something for Funny Friday. Hope y'all liked that. It was full of symbolism. I thought it was funny and wanted to share it. I need to get my shit together and get back up to speed. I've used up all my blog material that I saved and the year isn't even over yet.
I made something so fucking easy for dinner Saturday night that David couldn't believe how good it was. That man is so easy to please. I made a Campbell's soup meal that I used to make for dinner when I was living at home before I was married. I cut up 2 chicken (boneless/skinless) breasts into bite sized cubes. It should equal to about 2 cups worth of chicken. Place the raw chicken cubes into boiling salted water and let cook until done. Drain the chicken in a colander and place it back in the pot on low heat. Add 2 cans of Condensed Cream of Chicken with Herbs Soup and 1/2 cup milk. Stir to blend and add cracked pepper. Let cook on low heat. It's going to be thick so don't worry. You can add frozen peas or chopped spinach at this time if you want. I usually add frozen peas and let them cook up on the low heat in the chicken mixture.  If you like carrots, I peel and slice 3 large carrots into medallions and cook separately until almost done, then add to soup mixture. The carrots are great because of their flavor and color. Next, I set up a medium-large pot of salted water for egg noodles, a pot that's a little larger than the chicken mixture pot so I can add the chicken mixture to it. Cook the egg noodles to when it's al dente. it's not limp or over cooked, drain the noodles and add the chicken soup mixture, mix gently and serve hot.  It's a great comfort food meal that you can serve in a bowl on a cold evening.


  1. Sorry to hear about your friend. Glad you were able to attend her memorial. The Big C is a bitch alright.

  2. I make the same dinner but with one can of Aldi cream of chicken soup (less sodium for us old folks). I use left over cooked chicken from the freezer, an Aldi bag of steamer mixed veggies cooked in the microwave. I microwave the bag of veggies, add the can of soup with some milk or 1/2 & 1/2 (the best) to a non stick frying pan then add a small can of mushrooms and the frozen chicken. Serve over toast because that is even easier! Dinner is done in minutes and I always have everything I need to make it.

  3. Sometimes a put-together meal is the best... That is the way my grandmother use to feed me.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. I am sorry to hear about the loss of your friend!
    The meal sounds great!
    Big Hugs!
