
Friday, February 10, 2017

Planting, Greenhouse Dreams and Zombies

It's been a wonderful week. Sunny and warm with cool nights. It will be raining this weekend which will be great for my flowers and roses. On Wednesday, I tore into my garden pots. I got rid of all the dead growth from the tiger cannas and repotted them. and I planted four o' clocks, hollyhocks in bridal colors, and yarrow. The morning glories are coming up along with marigolds and moon flower. I'm looking for night blooming plants online this weekend to see what to buy for my night garden. 
Other than that, I'm bored as usual. David is either bored at work too or just keeping tabs on me today. He has called 4 times now and it's bothersome. He might call it a day at lunch and have a long weekend. If he does, I have a butt load of work for him outside to take care of. We need to get the veggie garden going this weekend or the tomatoes and what not will be late growing. I want my jalapenos and bell peppers going before it gets too hot. Bells and tomatoes don't do so great in the heat out here in my part of Texas unless you have a greenhouse. I keep trying to talk David into getting the plans for this fantastic little greenhouse that would make it nice to grow our tomatoes and other veggies long into the hot summer and cold winter. There's this great site that has greenhouse plans for free. They even show you what you need to have and what to buy. They have step by step pictures to help you. One day he'll crack and do it.Otherwise, we are salivating for the beginning of the second part of season 7 of The Walking Dead to start. It begins this Sunday night. David has been sending me emails of TWD previews and I'm not watching them because I want to see everything on Sunday night. I don't want to ruin it by knowing how it's going to go before the show. I am showing this preview teaser, though. Y'all have a great weekend and stay safe.


  1. I would love to unleash zombies in the White House and watch it on TV.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. Have a great time!! A greenhouse would be amazing!! Many hugs and kisses!

  3. We are months away from even thinking about gardening. 😢
