
Friday, April 14, 2017

It's Friday

I am so freaking tired. For some stupid reason, I keep waking up at exactly 1:30 in the morning. YES! One fucking thirty in the morning for this whole week! I have no known reason for waking up at that ungawdly hour but it happens and then I can't go back to sleep. I've only gotten four fucking hours of sleep a night and I'm tired of this. I have tried sleeping pills but I still wake up and no more sleep. I've tried my teas and herbs and what not and still, I'm not sleeping through the night. Is this what it's like being over 60? Am I doomed? Can I wear this purple scarf with my jeans?
David is home for four days this weekend. yay!! I've made a list of things for him to do around the house outside and so far nothing has happened. I might have to light a fire under his ass to get him to do something. He's currently glued to the TV AND his laptop at this moment. YES!! At the same time! Me? I've started on my second laundry load, cleaned the bathroom, watered the hanging baskets and house plants, and now I'm done for the day. I need to get him going. 
Y'all have a great day. Happy Easter weekend to everyone and I'll See y'all on Monday unless I have to attend a funeral for a close family member who won't mow the lawn right now. Ciao y'all.


  1. Lack of good sleep sucks, deal with it all the time.

  2. I get that kind of insomnia from time to time. Major suckage. My Rare One watches TV and her laptop at the same time, plus sometimes adds in her iPhone for good measure. Queen of the multitaskers! And someone's going to burn for that last meme, lol -- especially the duckface!

    1. So I burn a little. It won't be the last time for me. I'm going to hell on a full scholarship. I forgot to mention David's phone too. I have no idea where my phone is right now. Last time I thought it was in my purse, it's not there. I need to gather up a search party for it.

  3. I bet it's hormones. Lots of women of a certain age have trouble sleeping. I keep a sublingual melatonin beside my bed if I wake up. It usually works. If not, a nap the next day is a must!

    1. Birdie, I had David take me to the store to see if they carried melatonin and the Goddess was smiling on me because I found a bottle of Nature Made Melatonin + L-Theanine both working together made me sleep very well through the night. I didn't have any tired feeling like I do with sleeping pills. Thank you so much dear.

    2. 💕 😴 💕

  4. Sometimes when you think you are going to wake up during the night, you wake up during the night. When I do I get up and enjoy the quietness of the house - I write or read with glass of whiskey - hot chocolate might work as well - weed would be better.
    the Ol'Buzzard

    1. I was writing for a while and then I would get tired of that and because my mind was purring along at 100 mph, I would change my clothes and go outside and walk. It's so nice out at night. But I have to say the liquor and/or weed idea would be wonderful except I can't drink due to my opiates for pain and I'm in a bible belt area of Texas where "weed is the devils cabbage."

    2. Plenty of weed in bible belt towns. Half the people I know here use it.

  5. I hope you get some sleep soon! I feel for you! I also hope hubby helped out this weekend! Big Hugs!
