
Thursday, July 6, 2017


Dipshit #45 is on his way to to the G20 Summit today. Am I so much a bad person for wishing his plane crashes? I am aren't I? Well I'm hoping that stupid fucker took a few lessons in manners from his daughter this time. He was such an asshole last time that it made me shake with hate.  I actually wished for his plane to crash before he returned home. This is a little video from when he got off Air Force One and walked right past the limo with Secret Service people. I mean it's fucking right in front of him and he walked right past it. If it wasn't for the one Secret Service dude pointing him back to the limo he would have walked aimlessly around. Looks like Alzheimer's is setting in just like his daddy.
I'm keeping myself sequestered in the living room these days. It's nice in here. I have and comfy couch with pillows for my back my laptop and the TV if I feel like watching the news. Lucy sleeps next to me where the A/C hits her just right when it needs to come on naturally to keep the room at a nice 75 degrees and David doesn't bother me with his trash TV shows. I can close the french doors and it gets nice and quiet in here. Spunky is here in the room too. He takes his life slower too. He loves it in here with me because I have sheets on the furniture so he can sleep on the soft couch all day.  Yes, I'm one that likes to protect my nice things, and yes I pamper my fur babies. After all they are the only ones that keep me sane when David is working. I have to talk to something animate or they would have me locked up in a padded cell at the psych hospital.
David has done a few of the listed items from my "Honey Do" list, nothing too strenuous though. The heat and humidity are awful right now and we are in the beginning of the dry season of summer. He said he would do the painting and filling of the Black Hole of Calcutta when weather turns cooler. The hole isn't that deep anyways. He dumped some rocks and sand into it this past spring before the rainy season to let it settle. He wants to try to build that frame for the greenhouse I want so badly. He said in September he will cover it in a tan screen fabric he found on the web. The kind you see at Home Desperate in their greenhouse section outside. He can cover the fabric with plastic in the colder months to keep it insulated and he can grow his tomatoes and I can grow my carrots, peppers zucchini, cucumbers and green beans in the winter. Yesterday, David and I went out to dinner. Not to a fancy place mind you, we had burgers at an old burger place in New Braunfels. It was nice going someplace and not have the big crowds as there are on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Well, I have housewife shit to do. Ciao.


  1. new braunfels...i remember it well! isn't there a rock somewhere around there that still has wagon wheels tracks worn through it? that first pic made me burst out laughing. my daughter's boyfriend's parent are coming in to town for a visit in a couple weeks and my daughter told him that they should meet my husband and me. he asked if we could skip this time because his parents are trump supporters and he is afraid of what i might do! smart guy!

    1. If I even get near #45 supporters I start fuming. My brother is a supporter and that makes me wonder if he's really my brother or an alien that took him over while he slept. You know, the "Pod People."

  2. Hey, isn't Fullofshiticus also known as Biggus Dickus? (just to keep the Monty Python vibe going . . . )

    1. Actually if I'm right, Monty Python would go so far as to call it "Tinycus Digitus, Tinycus Dickus." But then again it could be what I heard somewhere in the news from his ex-wives.

    2. LOL!!!! You two are so funny! LOL!
      Keep well Leeanna!
