
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Canada Eh?


  1. Hahahahahaha yes, you'll find it buffed and shined, cleaner than you left it! (If only that were true!)

  2. I am sorry your antidepressant treatment is not helping you. Have you tried switching out the prescription?
    No pot is definitely not legal in greece. And may i say that your description of lsd sounds amazing. I want to see Disney too... Haha!
    Also, of course i know not to pick her up. Her whole life i am sitting down next to her yo comfort her, I Just got cocky... And paid the price! It just hurts me that I cant be there for her like a normal mom. Sometimes i see women friends, relatives, clients pick her up and my heart sinks into my chest.. I have this fear that haunts me that she feels that something is missing because of this.. But that is no reason to be selfie destructive...
    How are you feeling? If i remember correctly you had a steroid epidural treatment... Did it help?

  3. How are you doing? What did the doctor say?
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. I hope you're doing better!!
    (I wish it was like this in Canada! LOL!)
