
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Follow-up From Monday

I have had the bright flashes twice since the first incident. Once last night while in the shower and again this morning when I woke up. Like bright camera flashes. I've never had this before having a migraine ever, just the usual strange fuzzy sight problems. Now, I'm nursing a really bad migraine that is getting steadily worse by the second. I called my family doctor and told him what I'm going through. So, he set an appointment at the hospital for a CT scan tomorrow morning for me. If anything shows up, my doctor will call for me to come see him. Otherwise, I will be out of commission for hopefully just a few days. 


  1. Damn. Please keep us posted. xo

  2. Just popping to say -- maybe go see an ophthalmologist eye specialist too -- could it be an issue with your retinas? I don't know if a cat scan would tell you that.

  3. Fingers crossed that everything is okay and that this just something you need extra sleep for.

  4. CT scan is needed. Take care. We're thinking good thoughts for you.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. Seconding an eye doctor to make sure its not damage to the eye. Whatever it is, hoping it stops soon!

  6. Sending you healing prayers my friend! I really hope you find out what is happening! Please take care!!
