
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Game of Thrones Etc...

If you watch Game of Thrones and haven't seen the 6th episode then don't read any further, spoilers ahead. Daenerys lost one of her dragons to the White Walkers. Yes, the Night King threw one of his spears at Viserion and hit him in the throat. He immediately went into the lake or river or what ever and died. I felt so bad because I love Daenys dragons. Daeny rescued the hunting party and whisked them safely back to the wall. Then the Night King had his wights pull Viserion out of the water where he touched Viserion and he became a wight. I knew that was going to happen.
Now I have a few questions. The wights pulled Viserion out of the water with chains that looked like they were for a modern-day ship's anchor. They were perfectly formed links. Yes! Big mother fucking chains. Where did they get those chains? Like, do they carry them around just in case? Also, who attached the chains to Viserion? Wights hate water. 
Did anyone catch the eclipse yesterday? I did but I didn't take pictures. Yeah, it never dawned on me to get my camera and get a few pictures until it was almost over. I'm such a dumbass. I could have had some pictures. Anywho, did anyone notice the temperature change? We have a weather station here at the house and it showed an 8-degree difference. Yes! It went from 90 to 82. It was so cool. I noticed it right away and went to check the readings and watched it move down. Soooo cool! 
Somehow last night I hit the top of my left foot on the edge of our waterbed. Yeah, the wooden rail that surrounds it. We don't have the padded leather thingy that fits over the rail. David said I need to stop dancing in my sleep. But if I stop, how am I going to earn and save up my bail money? So now I have this really ugly bruise on the top of my foot and it hurts when I flex my feet during my exercises and when I walk. I told David it's time to either get the padding or buy some pool noodles.


  1. soon as I saw the chains I where the f*** did they get those? and how did they get on the dragon?..pissed me off..but I still love the show..and hated that they killed the dragon...bastids.

  2. i think it's good that you didn't take pics of the eclipse with your camera. you needed a special lens or else you could ruin the camera!

  3. It was So Sad... At that point i was like please let Snow die So viserys could live... I used to fantasize Snow and tyrion Would ride next to khaleesy... But now the Dreams is gone...

  4. Good questions about Game Of Thrones!!! You smart cookie!! I think sometimes, the producers think, "we" don't notice anything!!
    In Canada, there was a little bit of shade from the eclipse, but nothing really, but our temperature did get cooler!
    Take care of your foot! Big Hugs!
