
Monday, August 14, 2017

Monday- Just Normal Shit

Over the weekend, I experienced something that scared the shit biscuits out of me. It happened when I was getting up from my chair at my art table. I suddenly felt strange like my mind went completely blank and then I started having these "lightning flashes."  I kept looking around to see if the flashing was coming from outside like the reflection from a passing car in the sunlight, but nothing was going by. It was like three slow very bright flashes, then everything came back to normal. It felt like I wasn't there and then I was. David says it was aliens.

David was attacked by my rose bushes while mowing the grass on Sunday morning. Yeah, he has some really ugly scratches on his arms. He wouldn't let me treat them with a little alcohol. What a big baby. So, after I finish this, I'm going to brave the heat and go cut some straggler rose branches before they drag his body into the garden.
Okay, before I say what David calls Asian cooking, I'm going to apologize to everyone. Yes, because he can be offensive. This past week, I have been cooking my dinners separate from his and eating before he comes home. Crazy strange, I know but he hates "bow wow, meow meow," as he calls Asian cooking. I hate when he meows while I eat. He can be so disgusting. But the thing is, I dearly love making my own egg rolls, sweet and sour dishes from scratch, etc. I just hate the fact that David trolls me while I cook or eat my favorites. So I have to resort to eating before he comes home. He hates the idea of eating alone because we talk about our day and ideas for the weekend. He's getting tired of my dining preferences. So, I am through with my Asian food cravings for now and he's happy that I made dinner this weekend and ate with him in the dining room.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes I do. I've never had this happen before one hit though. So I'm wondering if and when it will strike.

    2. I have had some occular migraines that sound a little how you described.

  2. Yikes. Did you stand up too quickly?

    1. No I didn't. I was getting up slowly and putting my pencils away at the same time. I'm just wondering if it's a prelude to a migraine.

  3. You really need to get that checked. Don't write it off as pre-migraine...
    the Ol'Buzzare

  4. Well, it sounds to me like it's time for a buy-one-get-one lobotomy. You can get extracted whatever is making you have strange flashes, and David can get removed whatever curmudgeonly inclination that drives him to dismiss Asian food. Which, not just Chinese food, but "Asian food"? That's a broad category. No sushi, Korean barbecue, or--gasp--curry?!? There are so many delicious options. Maybe couples electroshock therapy?

  5. Please get checked out my friend! That sounds serious!!
    Good luck with hubby and eating! I would have joined you with your egg rolls! Big Hugs!

  6. Wow !!! absolutely fantastic blog. I am very glad to have such useful information.

