
Thursday, August 24, 2017

Tropical Storm Harvey

Tropical Storm Harvey is still moving around in the gulf wondering where he can get the most bang for his buck. I starting having pain the moment he finished playing with the Yucatan. He's picking up steam and should be a category 3 Hurricane by tomorrow. So the closer he gets the worse it is for me.

Anywho, NOAA - National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, yeah, that's them, has made their computer spaghetti projections of where Harvey will hit this weekend.
sorry wrong picture

Okay, this is where Harvey is projected to land. In reality, NOAA is saying Harvey will hit Corpus Christi sometime Saturday early in the morning. He will move up near or into SanAntonio and then lolly gag around and then he might move back out towards the gulf again. Yes, he might. 
This is the projected path of Harvey. Coming up by Corpus Christi and then possibly
going to end up between San Antonio and us (Seguin). This could be interesting.
The Weather Channel has Harvey going all the way up into Austin but I don't think he will. He won't have enough energy to get that far. David says he's been living here all his life and he says Harvey will break down and become a tropical storm again. Most likely die out by Sunday. No matter what happens, I'm thinking we might get a little bit of rain this weekendweather 3.jpg

I'm all for the rain. Goddess knows it's been pretty dry here since July. Last night we had a thunderstorm and it produced enough rain to fill one of the water barrels for my plants in the courtyard. They were empty, dry as a bone yesterday. This morning the air is fresh and clean but the humidity is killer. 

Well, I have jeans to wash and then David should be home for lunch. Y'all have a magical day!


  1. Stay dry. Weather patterns of the past can't be relied on this day and time.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. oh looks like you are in for a big one! stay safe and stay inside!

  3. Here in Houston, watching closely. They say we may see 20"-30" of rain. NOT looking forward to that.

    Stay safe!

  4. I hate humidity!! Please take care!!!
