
Friday, September 22, 2017

Blessed Mabon


  1. happy mabon! it doesn't feel like it here with 90 degree weather!

  2. Mabon Blessings to you -- have a wonderful autumn!

  3. hard to think it's Mabon when it's still 98 here.

  4. Mabon Blessings my friend! Happy Autumn!
    Leeanna, the reason I was asking everyone what they liked, is because I am going to try to get the items in my Etsy shop, where I will be selling them in Canadian money. I think through the other shop, you would have to pay American funds. I am just starting out! It's going to take some time, to get everything going! But, once I have somethings in my shop, I will let everyone know!
    By the way, your legs are not too fat! I where leggings all the time!! I just where a longer shirt! LOL!
    Can you e-mail me your address??? Don't ask why!
    Big Hugs!
