
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Get Ready, The Rapture is Coming, Again

Hey y'all, don't forget that Saturday is the big rapture, again.

The last ones didn't take so this time will be the big one.

Since it's happening this Saturday, y'all be ready to score some cool free stuff. David has his eyes out for a free boat for weekend fishing on the coast. 


  1. *snort* Rapture Survivor Card! Well, guess I'd better pack.

  2. I'm laughing at the vacuum.

    I didn't know there was another end times prediction. Who is predicting it this time?

  3. Yeaaaaaaaahhhh! Please, Baby Out Like a Lamb in Like a Lion Jesus, don't think about the type of people you want to hang out with and just take all of the annoying sycophants who want nothing more than to wash your feet. Then, when you realize that's annoying, come on back and swap out the fun people (but not Jesse, he's not a terrible person, but who tattoos Sponge Bob on his cheek?). Thank you, Jesus Who I Hope Looks More Like James Brown and Less Like a Roadie for Gregg Allman.

  4. I don't have to worry about being lifted up. I am sure good Christians don't have anything I want: pot, liquor, smut, porn or sex toys... I just think I will go around and take a dump in all their houses.

    On second thought: maybe a boat.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  5. I never heard anything about this????
