Halloween Countdown

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Monday, September 18, 2017

It's Monday

Last week Friday I had an appointment with my pain doctor. He was busy with a full load of patients at the Outpatient Surgical Center so he had his nurse practitioner take over for him. Kay is wonderful. She prescribed a Medrol Dosepak for my arthritis back pain. I started the dosepak which is a Methylprednisolone or corticosteroid that is used for arthritis pain, on Saturday I felt the effects of it almost immediately. Sunday noon I seemed to feel pretty good, then I noticed the sciatica pain running down my right leg. Last night I felt like shit because the sciatica pain was too much to bear. I took one of my regular pain meds and it killed it for a couple of hours, but then the pain began to feel worse. The only thing I could think of was either I popped a disc or I'm just pinching that damned nerve again. Anywho, I'm a bit pissed off right now because I was hoping to be pain-free for a while longer before I have to go in for another Radio-frequency Oblation. I see my pain doctor in December, a week before Christmas. Oh, joy. I just know he's going to set me up for another RFO. I hate that procedure. It's so fucking painful.
Ever since Friday when I got back from the doctor's office, Lucy has been my shadow. She had that worried look on her face when I came home and she went where ever I went. She was so close to me she was underfoot. She never left my side. David said it's something in the way she saw me on Friday. My pain level was 9+ and I think she picked up on it immediately. Lucy is on the couch next to me at this moment sleeping but she has her body so close to me that if I move she will wake up to follow me or keep watch on me. It's so cute. She snores just like a congested little kid. The phone just rang. David was calling me. Lucy jumped up with such a startled look and she let out a howl. She got scared because I moved. Poor little baby. She does worry about her mama. I guess it's because I'm the dog biscuit and treat giver around here. David never gives the puppies treats. Don't ask me why cause I don't know.


Birdie said...

That Algorithm made me laugh. I have a book called First Aid for Hypochondriacs. I *am* a hypochondriac. Every symptom you feel could be cancer. It you don't think this, you are not a hypochondriac.

But ser, I am so sorry you have such terrible and ongoing pain. I wish I had words to help. Does knowing you are loved help? Sending lots.

yellowdoggranny said...

I know the pain you are suffering.have it all the time and I am so sorry you are having to deal with it..

Ol'Buzzard said...

Wishing you had relief. Dogs are so close to their chosen person that i think they suffer when you do.
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so sorry with the pain that you are dealing with!! I'm happy you have Lucy! Big Hugs!

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