Halloween Countdown

🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙Harris 2024 Walz💙🤍❤️💙🤍❤️💙🤍

Monday, September 4, 2017


I'm back on track with my diet. This past week I lost three pounds and I didn't do anything. I never gave up, I think it was that I hit a plateau and my body said, "wait just one fucking second, woman! We have to rethink this weight loss idea of yours and then we'll get back to ya." That was like months ago and I never heard from my body until now. So I guess it decided dieting was a good idea.

David fell Saturday. He was moving some chicken wire we had for the veggie garden and his feet got tangled up in it and he flopped down hard on his right side on the courtyard pavers. He got up and he's okay, but he's hurting mighty bad. I thought he might have broken a rib from the way he was hurting. It's now Monday and he's got a bruise on the area where his rib cage is but he says he's fine. He finished the yard work this morning.
I moved my petunia baskets to the courtyard. There is a partially shaded area that gets the morning sun and then it's partially shaded by the neighbor's trees. I need to figure out what size pots would be good for my lemon trees. They're only 10 inches tall now with another one that sprouted during the rain storm. It has gotten to be 5 inches now. I also have to repot my pineapple plants. They have taken off like crazy. They won't have fruit for another two years but I have to find them forever pots so they can be moved into the laundry room on a dolly. I need to be able to move them on my own. I can't depend on David for everything. Who knows what the future holds.
Speaking of future. David and I will be celebrating our fifteenth wedding anniversary this September 7th. YES! I know! It's hard to believe that I would be celebrating let alone being married after all these years. Time flies so quickly when you have fun. 


Birdie said...

I hit a plateau for 4 months and I was about to give up. I finally started losing again. I'm 7.5 pounds from my goal weight.

yellowdoggranny said...

I think I have been losing and gaining the same 15 pounds for 6 months..sigh*
sorry about David..hope he heals fast.

Ol'Buzzard said...

My wife and I went to Weight Watchers, and it worked. I lost fifteen pounds in six weeks and my wife ten. We quit going and I have gained mine back
I stay about 205, I would like to maintain about 185... but

Magic Love Crow said...

Happy 15 years!! I have to get back to my "weight" too! Keep it up! I am proud of you! I'm sorry about David! I hope he's ok! Big Hugs!

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