
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

It's Tuesday

Well, this is a very late post. Sorry. We have a cold front coming down our way tomorrow morning and the temps will be dipping into the 40's again. Right now I'm on the floor with my lower back planted firmly on a skinny pillow and a heating pad on top of that; my legs are propped on the seated cushions of the love seat. It was the only way to ease my pain. And NO I ain't gonna get another lumbar injection. My mind is made up. I'd rather have my eyes plucked out than have another needle enter my spine. My brother told me about a drug he's taking to easy his lower back pain. It's called Diclofenac. I already checked out the side effects and all the info on Has anyone ever taken that for pain? I know it's an anti-inflammatory drug but has anyone had success with managing their pain while taking this drug? Did it help you? Please let me know. 

Anywho, right now I'm comfy cozy. Lucy has been my nurse. Yeah, she's sleeping on the job again right next to me. She knows when I'm having pain. Last night she slept next to me while I was binge-watching a Korean TV series on Hulu. I love Korean shows. I dearly love their historical stories. Since I'll be up again tonight, I'll have to find either another series to dive into or just catch up on my book reading.  

Oh, an update on that Texas church shooter. The Air Force neglected to enter the information about Kelly's domestic violence as well as his psychological issues. The man was held at a mental health hospital in New Mexico after assaulting his wife and child. He was there for a year, he escaped and was caught at a bus station in El Paso Texas. He was discharged and moved back home to New Braunfels. One witness to the shooting inside the church was shot in the arm and played dead. She said Kelly was wearing black tactical gear, shooting as he walked down the aisle of the church. She said women and children screamed as he shot them.
I know it's horrific. But if it stirs something inside you to call and bitch out your state representative and senators to grow a pair or get a spine and do something about restricting automatic and semi-automatic rifles or even high magazine ammo clips that would start something. Just keep badgering them until they do something to get this rolling in the direction of stopping the carnage.


  1. I have clients that use Diclofenac and it seems to help them. Though they use it as a cream and not orally. It’s Over the counter name is Volatren which is available over the counter here in Canada. The Diclofenac is by prescription and is very strong so use it sparingly. Best to put on a thin layer, wait a few minutes then put on another thin layer then putting a whole bunch on at once. And wear gloves!

    1. Thanks my dear sweet friend. I knew I could count on you to have the info on that drug. It helps to know if it is doing any good to those that suffer pain like I do. Thank you so much!

  2. Semiautomatic hunting rifles have been around in Maine for ever, but the clips have always been limited to five rounds. The assault weapon is just a semiautomatic rifle dressed up to look macho. The problem is the high capacity clips. The shooter had thirty round clips - if the law regulated clip size he would have had to reload ninety times.
    Guns don't kill people. It is the bullets that kill people: legislating clip capacity wouldn't stop the killings, but would minimize the carnage.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. I am so sorry for you pain! I think I have told you before, that my mom and my brother are on medical weed. That is the only thing that has truly helped them.
    I hope something truly changes for you in the United States! It's so sad! Big Hugs!
