Halloween Begins

Halloween Countdown

The countdown ends on the 1st of September. For me, the month of September is Halloween Eve. So, I have oriented the countdown as such.🎃

Monday, November 6, 2017

Sad Post

My weekend was going great, yes it was until an alert came on a ticker during the Texans football game that there was a shooting in Sutherland Springs. That's here in Texas. Where church, football, and BBQ are king. It's just a 15-minute drive from where we live, In our own backyard. That town is 1/10th the size of Seguin where we live, it's a tiny, tiny town of 600 people. 

This morning The whole story unfolded that It was a young man of 26, who apparently lived in New Braunfels, drove to Sutherland Springs and shot 26 parishioners dead and 20 injured. One 5-year-old was shot 4 times. He was transported to University Hospital via AirLIFE helicopter. He survived after emergency surgery. His mother and 2 sisters were among the dead. The age range of the dead was one 18-month-old infant girl to 77 years old, 12 children died. One family lost 8 members of their family, which included children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The 18-month-old infant girl was one of the children of that family. It was a tiny church where no one could hide from a gunman. The motive is believed to be domestic. his in-laws went to the First Baptist Church. Apparently, the mother-in-law sent Kelly a threatening text. They were not in the church at the time of the shooting.
Kelly used a Rugar AR-15 assault rifle which he bought in San Antonio. I'm wondering why the persons that sold Kelly the guns didn't see the bad-conduct discharge from the Air Force for spousal and child abuse. Why was he sold the guns? That's the big question. Democrats on Capitol Hill are talking gun control again. Republicans don't want to hear about it. You can read everything here about the shooting if you want. I have a house to clean and laundry to start. 


anne marie in philly said...

"Democrats on Capitol Hill are talking gun control again. Republicans don't want to hear about it." - every one of those bastards is bought and paid for by the NRA. FUCK THE NRA!

Toni said...

Scary for those of us miles and miles away, but must be horrible to know that it was in your own backyard. So sorry for the victims, the town and all of us. Sickening how the lack of reverence for life has degraded so much of humanity.

Birdie said...

Am I an awful person to say that this mess is the reason I will never travel to the US again? It’s not just fear but a boycott. Maybe is others refused to travel for pleaseure the US government would take notice. You have to hit these assholes who make the laws in the pocketbook. If they start losing money maybe things will change. Anyway, just my opinion.

jaz@octoberfarm said...

it's unfuckingbelievable! how many of these things have to happen before something is done.

yellowdoggranny said...

but but...our thoughts and prayers...
them fuckers.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Another terrible incident from which nothing will be learned.

Linda d said...


How amazing is it that they can stand there and repeatedly make that comment. If not now, when the hell is it? They say it is politicizing a tragedy. OKIE DOKIE, no problem politicizing this and every other one of these mass killings by politicians who are ruled by the NRA and their fear mongering tactics.

But that's just my humble opinion.

Linda d said...

Also, I am very sorry Leeanna. It is an awful thing but that much more disturbing to have it happen in one's own backyard.

Ol'Buzzard said...

The one consistent occurrence between the last five mass murders is that assault weapons were used allowing the killers to fire large capacity ammo clips extremely fast. In this last carnage the killer fired over 450- rounds in a matter of minutes. Since assault weapons are not actually fully automatic we will not be able to get rid of them. It is not the weapon it is the capacity of the clips that make the rifle so deadly. Maine restricts hunting rifles to five round clips. A similar federal law would cut down the carnage without restricting the weapon.
the Ol'Buzzard

Magic Love Crow said...

Why does someone need a gun like that?? That's what I don't understand? Why would the United States let people own that guy??? I am so very sorry! So very, very sorry!!!!!! Big Healing Hugs!

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