
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

SPOILER ALERT ~ Tedious Post

It's early in the morning. I didn't get much sleep again. When I finish writing this I'll go back to bed and sleep on the heating pad, that's if I can sleep at all. I did way too much house cleaning and laundry on Saturday and I'm feeling it now. I was hurting so bad yesterday that I spent nearly the entire day in bed on the heating pad. To make matters worse, there's another front coming in soon. It's like a double whammy. I see my pain doctor on the 15th so that's a good thing. I need to let him know about the Diclofenac. See what he says about it because if he puts me on it instead of the Hydrocodone I'm taking now, I'll have to let my family doctor know about it so he can monitor my kidney and liver functions. 

Thanksgiving was awesome. The pork tenderloin turned out heavenly. I made an orange blossom honey mustard sauce that was the bomb. It made the tenderloin amazing. My step-daughter came down from Austin to see us. She had Thanksgiving at her grandma's house with a few family members. Then she came to visit us for a while. We had to lock Lucy up in the back bedroom because she just goes crazy when Anna comes to visit. Spunky (who is totally blind) bumped around the house the whole time. Anna calls him the Roomba dog because he bumps into a wall and turns around and goes his merry little way until he bumps into a table leg or something else. He then gets tired of bumping around and goes to his chair and sleeps just like a Roomba. I never really thought of Spunky like that until now. 

David went back to work yesterday and Lucy was broken hearted. She was palling around with David the whole week that he was off. They went everywhere together. So yesterday was her first day without her daddy and she pouted all day long. When I started dinner, she lit up. She likes to watch me cook because I let her taste test almost everything that isn't spiced or have herbs on it. She loves raw carrots. So I let her have a few sliced carrots to chew on while I made dinner. Her favorites are carrots and sweet potatoes. When I make a baked sweet potato for myself she and Spunky always get a bit of my potato in their dinner bowls. It's good for them so I don't mind sharing.


  1. sorry you aren't feeling well. winnie is so attached to her dada that i lost her when he went upstairs this morning. i looked everywhere and then found that she had gone up a huge intimidating staircase looking for dada!

  2. I hope you get well soon, hang in there. Warm greetings and best wishes.

  3. "The Roomba Dog" -- very clever! I hope your pain eases soon, my dear.

  4. We definitely have a corrupted file! REBOOT REBOOT AND THEN REBOOT one more time.

    Feel better.

  5. Your body sounds like a living, breathing barometer. I hope the new meds work.

    Roomba dog! Love it!

  6. and with the spouse back to work, YOU get peace and quiet; GOOD FOR YOU!

  7. hope your feeling better soon.the pork loin sounds fantastic.

  8. Please take care of yourself!!!
    Roomba dog! LOL!
    Big Hugs!
