
Monday, December 11, 2017

It's Monday

I wanted to stay in bed this morning but I had so much to finish. I got caught up in cleaning and then dropping off my boxes of goodies for the troops in Afghanistan at the main mail office. That line was so fucking long. Thought I'd never get out. I was so busy with all the baking and packing that I forgot to take pictures. But I sent off four boxes of stuff this morning. Two boxes of cookies in little baggies. I lost count of how many I had but the guys and gals over there will have a nice time with it. One box was nothing but toiletries like shampoos, lotions, soap, toothpaste, and brushes and the last box had small boxes of crackers, snack bars, etc in it. Just basic snacks they can carry with them when they go on patrol and stuff.
Anyhoo, when I came back I sat a spell with some coffee and watched last nights episode of The Walking Dead. When the commercials came on I did a little dusting and I took my lemon trees and pineapples outside for some sun and fresh air. It's supposed to be nice today so out they go. Also, I pushed Lucy and Spunky out the door for some fresh air. They've been cooped up in the house for almost two weeks now and they needed to be out for a while. 
David will be home for lunch all week except on Thursday. The company is feeding them before they shut down for the holidays. David said he's thinking of taking off starting the 22nd. He won't be going back to work until the 2nd or 3rd of January. Lucky me. 


  1. you are a good soul...I was also told that thick socks and wipes are great to send..we send shoe boxes of them from VFW..going to be in 70's today..hotdamn

  2. Oh how I laughed at "75 degrees in Texas"!

  3. ew ew ew! you will go insane with the spouse home that long!

    lemon & pineapple trees - how tropical!

    smelly doggies need fresh air too!

    with I could open my windows, but it's below freezing up here.

  4. I have told you before that my husband is retired. He is home. Every. Single. Day.

  5. I don’t think there is a soul on this planet that I want to “retire” with. To much time together is just too much. Good luck with the extra days.

  6. You are a good soul! All those men and women will appreciate everything you sent!
    Have fun with the holidays! LOL!
    Big Hugs!
