
Thursday, December 28, 2017

It's Thursday

Hi y'all. I was so tired yesterday that I slept until 3 in the afternoon. Christmas day was a busy day for us. Anna came to visit and left her boyfriends dog with us to babysit. Scout is her name, she's 11 years old. She is a rescue dog, Heinz 57 variety when you don't know what kind she is, but she's a big dog. She looks like she might be part pointer, very sweet, mild-mannered. Spunky and Lucy took to her right away. They played in the yard. But Scout refused to come into the house. Anna came back from visiting with her grandmother, picked up Scout and then drove all the way to Dallas with her to see her boyfriend and his family for Christmas. David worries when she drives alone like that. She gave him an app that shows where she is while she is driving. It's really cool because he can keep tabs on her with his cell phone now. 
David fixed the headlight on the passenger side of my car while I slept yesterday. Then he took Lucy with him to Home Desperate to find some metric tools he needed. I woke up to a quiet house. Spunky was sleeping in the TV room. When David and Lucy came home, Lucy was prancing all around like she was saying "I got to go with daddy." She always prances when she comes home with David. I wonder if he lets her drive my car.

It's starting to get colder here and there's another cold front heading our way. It should be here by Sunday but I'm feeling it now. It was in the low 40's all day yesterday with drizzle. This kind of weather doesn't hit us until January. But it has been colder than usual and it's affecting my back. I've been taking the Diclofenac for those of you that are wondering about it.  You have to take it every morning and every night with food because this shit will mess up your stomach. Also, you have to keep taking it that way even if you aren't hurting. Talk to your doctor about it. He/she may have a different option for you since you can also die suddenly of heart attack or stroke. You have to really be careful. But for now, it seems to be working. The only problem is, this pain from the inflammation in my back from arthritis goes away for a while but then I can feel the real pain from my pinched nerves. That pain is fucking weird because it's been masked by the inflammation pain. Feeling the real pain is hard to explain because it hurts differently than the other pain. It's constant and it has something to it. It's like an alien feeling like it doesn't belong. So strange that I can't tell you what it really feels like but that shit runs all the way down both legs and it hurts like a mother fucker. 
Well, it's back to the heating pad for a while. Besides. it's fucking cold and I'm hating the cold right now.


  1. it's 1 degree here right now. it broke a record from 1924. i don't even know what the wind chill is. i ache everywhere. this flu sucks!

  2. Sorry to hear you are in such pain. Wish I could help.

  3. you have 40 degrees, I have 20 degrees. I'd rather have your 40.

    lucy is such a pretty girl!

    pain sux; I have arthritis. sux to get old.

  4. Oh, dear Leeanna, I really do feel your pain. I didn't know you had to take the Diclofenac all the time! Maybe that's why it never worked for me. Some Doctors are better than others at explaining mediacation. I take really strong Codeine which knocks out the pain, but also the brain. My children and I often joke about 'no pain, no brain'! It also really messes with my digestion, but I counter that with lots of veggies. We moved to France to be in a milder climate and so far it's working.
    Scout is adorable, we love our animals so much, they make life bearable at the same time as making it harder. Well, I guess it pays off in the end. Big hugs to

  5. I am sorry you are in so much pain.

    Lucy does look like she has just had fun. Maybe a police chase was involved. And a police dog.

  6. Lucy is so cute!
    I am so sorry you are in such pain my friend! and, I'm so sorry you have to take those horrible drugs!! Here's to a great 2018, that is pain free for you!! Big Hugs!

  7. I will never say I love cold weather idea of cold is 50..not legs, back, hips, knees and hands are killing me..come on spring.
