
Tuesday, December 5, 2017


I couldn't sleep so I went into the living room to see what the weather was doing. Lucy jumped up onto the couch and sat with me. She eventually crawled onto my lap and started loving on me. Her idea of loving on me is to sit on my lap and press her little body against me as hard as she can and then put her little face against my chest. She likes to listen to my heartbeat. Little stinker, she loves to be loved and she loves her momma.
Well, that cold front is on its way. It's hitting San Antonio at this moment. It is expected to drop the temperature into the 40's today it's now 70. We'll have rain and tomorrow if it's still raining it might turn to freezing drizzle. That's not great for my plants so I need to get my plants in before then. The weather guys are saying that this is the first of a few fronts bringing cold weather. That's a lot better than it's been. We've had nothing but warm days and nights for the past week and a half.
Spunky all tucked in
Spunky sleeps most of the day lately. In fact, he has had a fairly regular schedule of just getting up to go outside only twice a day and then staying up long enough to eat and then going back to sleep. He refuses to go out and play with Lucy and me. He has gotten into that old man stage in his life. He's always grumpy, doesn't want to play, just wants to sleep, cycle. I'm guessing his time is coming soon. He's 15 years old and that is supposed to be the life limit for this little guy. I think Lucy has approximately 9 years left for her, give or take.

This sitting is taking a toll on my back. I better resume my hot date with the heating pad. Y'all have a magical day.

Note: It's 7:38, the cold front just came through and we have freezing wind and rain right now. Where's my coffee and blankets!! I'm binge watching Hulu in bed today. Fuck this cold weather!!


  1. we are getting that cold front too. it will be interesting to see how winnie handles really cold weather. i can hardly think about old dogs. it's so sad to see them slow down.

  2. we are going to drop down tomorrow into the 40s for a high. I LOVES YOUR PUPPIES!

  3. I’m sitting on a heating pad all wrapped up in a robe. How many days until spring?

  4. The entire nation is experiencing a big change in weather. In Michigan, we are getting big winds which I suppose will bring in the cold from out west. That's okay though, because we should be into winter by now. Cuddle up with a nice ware heating pad; get some relief.

  5. Aww, I just learned about the exceptionally named Spunky and now we learn we're just waiting out the clock?!? Hang in there, Spunky!
    I would adjust that map, spread out the Texas portion to include everything up about 20 miles past Atlanta. Small grievances. Don't mind me. Hope the cold front doesn't mess with you too much.

  6. I hope you're ok?? I am the opposite of you, I love the cold weather. Give the pups a hug for me! Big Hugs!

  7. don't know what I'd do without my heating pad
