
Friday, January 19, 2018

Canada Eh?


  1. Does Hockey have the same problem as Football in the US, where there's a big concussion issue? I would think with all of the checking and face punching, there would be a concussion issue that they may be covering up. Just curious.

  2. Yes, we DO love our hockey! And yes, Pickleope, concussion issues are big in hockey too, just like football. But unlike the NFL, the NHL (so far) refuses to officially acknowledge the link between repeated concussions and later brain disease. However, increasingly strict protocols are being put in place to remove concussed players from the game for varying periods of time so they can heal properly. Sidney Crosby (currently the world's best hockey player) got a bad concussion and did not play again for a year. Lots of parents in Canada are now keeping their kids out of hockey because it is too rough and too dangerous -- putting them in soccer instead. It does not bode well for the future of Canadian hockey dominance.

  3. So true!!!
    Very in-depth and great answer Debra!
