
Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Finding a New Mug and the Puppies

I've been busy looking for a new coffee/tea mug that is over-sized, preferably in the 34 oz. range or roughly 100ml. You see my old "Not now Satan!" cup that I bought like 15 years ago was dropped and broken over the weekend and now I'm going crazy trying to find a replacement. There was one that I liked but it's only 11 oz. That's not exactly the capacity that I like for my tea or coffee.
I did see this, but that is much too large.
But I have so many things that I want as my own logo but I narrowed it down to two, either:

"Not Now Satan" 
"Don't Touch Me Peasant"

The only problem is that most of the personalized mugs are small 11oz. or you have to order a minimum of 50 mugs. That sucks. I guess I'm screwed until I find a big mug.
Lucy watching for squirrels
Lucy has been keeping a watchful eye on the squirrels. If it's too cold to go outside she lays on the cushions on the couch and watches out the living room window next to me. sometimes I hear her snore because she fell asleep on the job. But she has made it her job to protect the house. When she's not doing that, she teases Spunky by jumping on him and running away. The little guy can't chase her because he can't see her or hear her. She's so mean.
Spunky in his younger days
Spunky is now blind and deaf and has turned into a Roomba. The poor little old man bumps into a wall and then turns around and bumps into a door. He bumps and turns, bumps and turns until he gets where he wants to be. Saturday David got goosebumps when he heard Spunky call for me from in the kitchen. David said he distinctly heard Spunky say "mom." I said that Spunky always calls for me when he gets frustrated and needs my help. I just guide him to the TV room where he likes to be and he's fine. I can tell you one thing though, he can sniff out food really well and he finds his way to it. I was making a meatloaf with baked potato, carrot and zucchini slices as a side on Sunday and he bumped his way into the kitchen in record time. He stayed there until I gave him a cooled potato slice. He's such a good boy. He's getting so old and it will be a sad day when we lose him.


  1. My favourite mug is black with white lettering that says: "Good morning. I see the assassins have failed." Unfortunately it is a regular sized mug, so too small for you or I'd send you one!

  2. I broke my mug a few months ago and the potential replacements have not been good. I need the coffee, but it's just not the same without the right mug.

  3. have you searched amazon for 34 oz mugs?

  4. I found 19 oz mugs at Spencers the other day, but 34 oz mugs? I've never seen one that big before. I'm with AM. Amazon seems to have everything nowadays.

  5. I hope you find a good mug! You know what I drink out of? A 4cup measuring cup! LOL! Give Spunky a hug from me!
