
Monday, January 22, 2018

Monday, I Told You To Fuck Off

Over the weekend Anne Marie used blackmail asked all her readers to check out her blogroll and go visit some of the other blogs she had listed. For all those who have visited mine, my deepest condolences. I'm really sorry that you have to be put through this form of torture. Really, I am. It's bad enough I make everyone else read or look at my blog but to have you, poor newbies . . . it's just awful. On the plus side, I'm currently taking applications for Partner in Crime. 
The weather is finally turning nice again. We seem to be having an on again off again winter/spring fight going on. Yes, Mommy Nature is off her meds and she's having hot flashes. I wish she would get her shit together and decide which season she wants. It's making people irritable.

Last week Thursday I fucked up. Instead of posting the Canada post I posted Friday's Hockey post and vice verse. I think it was because I was in a hurry to get things done on my blog and get back to the really fun stuff like cleaning house. So, I apologize if it fucked all y'all's end of the week. I was just so busy trying to clean before I ran out of energy and a pain-free moment. I was able to clean four ceiling fans, wash, dry and fold three loads of laundry, vacuum two big rooms and clean the bathroom before I died. Yeah, if you're like me I bet you were singing," and a partridge in a pear tree" at the end of all that shit. I know I was. Right now I'm hoping for another energy fart so I can clean the media (TV/computer) room, the laundry/pantry room and re-pot my baby lemon trees, my variegated ficus and pot up my spider plantlings.
David has been taking my car to work lately because it was cold. In reality, I think he likes driving it because he can play all his CD's on the way to work. I found that out when I had to drive to HEB to get oyster sauce for the eggrolls I was going to make for dinner. He had changed all the CDs to his shit. I couldn't find my music. All my Pink Floyd CDs were gone. I did finally find them. They were in the jewel cases for his CDs, inside the center console. So I changed all my CDs back from his. I think this is how wars begin. Some country changes over all the host country's shit to their own shit that the host country hates and then the host country changes it all back to their shit. The visiting country repeats the changeover and then the host country gets pissed and hides the keys. That pisses off the visiting country to no end and then they nuke each other, or something similar to rock, paper, scissors. Well, he now owes me a car detailing.


  1. Happy Monday! I wish I could say I'm having a great one myself. My saving grace is it's a vacation day or else working a full day with this head cold would really suck.

  2. ain't it FUN being married and owning a house? (said NO ONE EVAH!)

  3. Mondays are my Fridays. Whoooot! I feel somewhat bad that I love the most hated dance of the week.

  4. If you DO team up with a partner in crime, the Blogosphere should QUAKE IN FEAR!

  5. We have the same weather mess up here in Maine.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. If wars were suddenly started over CDs, it would be like Canada and Australia waring over salt and spices, a real throwback kind of tussle. Also, you're soliciting for partners in crime? I've been following for how long and I don't at least get an interview before you revise the job description and post it externally? I'd be insulted if I didn't know how much it paid.

  7. LOL! You are brilliant! You always make me smile! You got a lot of cleaning done! Holy! Big Hugs!
