
Monday, January 8, 2018

Nothing Happening Here, Move Along...

I'm late posting this morning. I had errands to run and a doctors appointment. I'm doing pretty good. My doctor was happy for once with my lab report and weight. I lost 10 lbs. Big whoop. I could have lost more if I wasn't tempted by all those delicious cookies and cakes I made over Christmas. 
David finally cut the Esperanzas down this past weekend. They were looking so bad. They didn't die from the hard freeze we had, it's just that when you live in an area that is prone to a hard freeze you should cut them down before the freeze. They will be back in the spring blooming until late fall. They are fast growers and bloom with bright yellow trumpet-like flowers. They can grow up to 12 feet tall. they can get very bushy or if you prune them they can become a wall against your house to keep it cool in the summer. I love them because they lure the bees and butterflies into our yard.
My brother just called me to say hi. He has the flu and he's feeling somewhat empty right now, if you catch my drift. Poor guy needs someone to take care of him. He didn't get the flu shot, which is okay in my book. The shot would be a waste of money. Last years flu had time to mutate and get meaner. Now it's coming back  around. I just say wear a mask and wash your hands with a sanitizer when nessesary. If you have the flu, drink lots of water or warm tea with lemon, eat crackers to settle your stomach. Stay in bed, and have someone check on you if you live alone. Remember this is a VIRUS. Don't treat it with antibiotics because they won't work on a virus. Antibiotics are for bacterial infections only. Go to the online to see what you can do to fight this thing. I put in the link so you can get there without trouble. Please don't go to WebMD. That place is for hypochondriacs.


  1. Sometimes I think that flue shots and vaccinations are over done; then I remember that the life expectancy of men in 1950 was 65.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  2. But what if I am a hypochondriac?

  3. I'm glad your doctor is pleased, that's a good sign. I hope your brother is better soon. Flu is awful and just something that has to be endured with a good dose of TLC. I hope he has someone to check on him.
    Hugs to

  4. what Debra said...looooove it.and stole it.

  5. Your poor brother! I hope he feels better! I never heard of Esperanzas before. I have to look them up! Big Hugs!
