
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Toasty And Comfy is My Mantra

It's Tuesday, the day after New Years, HAPPY NEW YEARS, by the way. If any of you are still trying to crawl out of a drunken stupor, my deepest sympathies. Yeah, mazel tov.
On to other things. David braved the cold temperatures to go back to work this morning. He took my car because the heater and defroster work better than his truck. So he will be taking my car until the weather returns to normal around here. He called me at 8:30 this morning to let me know I will have to call him on his cell until they get the phones and some of the computers working again. I don't understand why every year when they go back to work the phones and computers are down. You would think they would fix that problem by now.
I finally crawled out of bed and it's 30 fucking cold degrees outside. At least the outdoor temperature gauge is working again. Yesterday morning I checked the temperature reading and it was -116.6F, I fucking kid you not, I laughed, then went back to the warm cozy bed. Lucy went with me. I'm guessing her thinking is that mommy knows best. So, today I'm up, milling about with a hot cup of tea, opening blinds and drapes and wondering why I even got up when I have absofuckinglutely nothing in this world to do. 
We will eventually get back into the 40's and 60's on Saturday. But for now, I'm camping out in the living room under a warm blanket with Lucy. Spunky is in the TV room sleeping. He has the mineral oil heater in there. It keeps the room a toasty 74 degrees. Every now and then he braves the cold when I let Lucy and him out to pee. For a blind/deaf old dog, he sure finds the back porch really fast. In fact, he's back before Lucy. They both take a few minutes to warm up next to the heater and then they go lay down and sleep. Oh to be a kept puppy in a warm house like today. Y'all stay warm and have a great day today.


  1. i'm sitting here watching the weather channel and the guy is reporting from the river walk in san antonio and he is dressed for our weather! baby it's cold outside!

  2. I am tried of winter and we are less than 2 weeks in. Harrumph!

  3. please (I beg of you) send some of that warmth up here; it's 22F and I'mma cutta bitch if it doesn't warm up soon!

  4. Happy New Year! It's FINALLY warming up here in Alberta -- today's high is a balmy -2C, which is bikini weather for us Canucks, yay! Three days ago when I was in Manitoba, the low at night was -45C with the windchill. Gawd, it was brutal.

  5. Hope you stay warm - know you are not use to it. For the past eight days we have been right around zero - days in single numbers and nights dropping below and with wind. We have another snow storm forecast for Thursday so the temps are suppose to go up to the twenties; but by Saturday we will be back to cold with a high of (minus four) -4 and night down to (minus eighteen) -18 - Fahrenheit of course. Of course we are use to this. We have the wood stove pumping and the cats are snuggling together, usually on our bed, to keep warm.
    Happy new year to you and David.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. Wow! That is freakin cold!!! We were chilly at 11degress C!!! Last night we were so hot we had to open the window and today I clipped our hairy dog so that he wouldn't walk around the bedroom sighing for air conditioning!!! I guess this is why we moved to a more temperate climate, to save my muscles from seizing up, but since the bloddy menopause, I crave cold rooms! Ah well, we live how we can. I hope it warms up a bit for

  7. We are -40c today, but it's warming up next week and more snow! LOL! Keep warm with those puppies my friend! Big Hugs!
