
Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Tuesday - Sleep Deprived, Pain, and Lucy

I'm very tired today but I have this immense amount of energy coming in like fart spurts. My energy cycle has been ongoing since Sunday morning. Lots of housework accomplished in the form of spring cleaning. This morning I kind of petered out and my pain is getting the best of me now. We have a front sliding in from the west for tomorrow and I've been feeling it since last night. 
I kept seeing the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld in my mind as I was trying to get comfortable last night, shouting, "NO SLEEP FOR YOU!" Yeah, that was all night long. So I got up and quietly cleaned house by picking up toys, I started my sourdough starter, I even repotted my little lemon trees and petunias for the coming summer. This morning my pain drugs are attempting to work but it's a no-go. I'll try to sleep again later tonight and dope myself with a sleep-aid if I can't. There will be sleep for me!
Lucy was a little mischief maker yesterday. She started by stealing Spunky's favorite toy and hiding it from him. Then when that wasn't enough, she stands in front of him and slaps him with her face and runs. He can't see her so he barks then she barks at him and then there's a bark fest. David yells at them because he can't hear the TV and turns up the sound. So the dogs bark as loud at each other as they can against the loud TV. This all gets to be a bit tiring because it ebbs into my solitude in the living room. So I end all the noise by turning down the TV, giving Spunky back his toy, and grabbing up the perpetrator of this whole fiasco and dumping her on the couch in the living room and putting up the puppy gate to keep the little troublemaker from bothering anyone ever again. Ahhh, peace. 

Lucy stealthfully curls up to me as cute as she can and plops her head heavily onto my laptop keyboard. Here we go again.


  1. it's going to be almost 80 degrees here today...i could scream! it's just not right!

  2. It was 84 yesterday and very muggy. The humidity is a deal breaker for loving warm weather. We are expecting rain all day today.

  3. That photo of Lucy makes her look like the Blessed Virgin Mary.

  4. I feel like fart spurts are the only way I get anything done. A point of clarification: does, "I started my sourdough starter," a euphemism for a yeast infection?

  5. I agree with Debra! LOL!
    Through all of this make sure you are taking care of yourself! You need quiet time! Quiet pain free time!
