
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday-This That and the Other Part Deux

Hey, Y'all!! It's raining again. Yeah, just like I said it would yesterday. We will be having rain off and on all day long for the whole week and into the next. Although the weather people say we will have Thursday and Friday partly sunny with no rain, I will have to see it to believe it since the weather is for San Antonio and not east of them. The good thing is the diclofenac is working for most of my pain but I do have a bit now and then if I don't move. I tend to take advantage of being pain-free and if I stand too long my back gives out on me. Then it's back to the heating pad. 
Yesterday,  I had my doctor's appointment. We went over my blood work and he was quite pleased. I did much better than I thought I would. I lost another 10 lbs. and my fasting glucose was 79 instead of 120 like it was 3 months ago. My cholesterol went down 60 points to 133. I'm aiming for less than 100 but less than 200 is fine. My doctor was completely happy with my efforts to cut sugar and fats from my diet. Goddess knows I am too. He does want me to see this new doctor for my arthritis though. I said that was fine with me. So he is setting up the appointment with her. I'm guessing I'll have a butt load of tests to go through again. Oh well, the price one pays for getting old.
Lucy under my art table watching me.
Lucy is free to go after her incarceration in the kitchen for a few days. I let her off one day early for good behavior but she's on parole for the rest of the week. If she breaks parole, she's back in the slammer, um I mean kitchen. So far, she's been nice to Spunky and not bothering him. Somehow the evil will show itself and she'll be back to teasing that poor ol' man again just as she usually does. She just can't help herself.