
Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday - Move Along, Nothing to See Here

A little less pain today and I'm typing close to my normal speed again. I did an ice and heat treatment this morning and feel better but not 100%. We have a cloudy day today. It's dreary this morning and it's amazing how green everything is and the colors of my roses are so vivid. I love it when the weather is like this. It's not too humid and it's 70 degrees right now so I'm sitting outside on the front porch for a while. 
This morning, Lucy made me smile. She comes into the bedroom to sleep with me when David goes to work, but first, she checks the perimeter inside the house. I have seen her do this. Really. I have. She starts in the laundry room and looks around. Then she moves into the kitchen, dining room, living room, TV room where the Spunkasaurus* is sleeping. then she runs through the hallway to the bedroom, and I do mean she runs. She jumps up into the bed and moves the blankets into a nest and proceeds to sleep. But this morning she just checked on the Spunkinator* in the TV room to make sure he was asleep and I'm guessing he was because she ran to the bedroom and took a flying leap into the bed and immediately pulled the blanket over herself. She wasn't asleep because when I turned over she poked her head out from under the blanket. She was full of piss and vinegar and wanted to play. So we roughhoused for a minute and then I got up to get dressed. She just laid there on her back watching me and fell asleep. She got up when she heard the tea kettle whistle. 
Right now she is watching squirrels from the living room window. This is her daily routine. She has been following me all over the house all morning and I'm guessing that feisty little shit will attack me sooner or later when I least expect it. It's just a matter of time before she gets even with me for roughhousing and tickling her this morning.

* Spunky has many names beginning with Spunk. I like to make them up during my day.


  1. Lucy is pretty darn cute. Glad you are doing a bit better.

  2. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! continue your road to recovery!

  3. we have a week of rain ahead of us which makes me happy. my garden will love it. lucy runs the house!

  4. Pets bring us such joy, don't they? We woke up to more snow here.

  5. Do a preemptive strike and go after her first! That will shake things up.

  6. This is a priceless post! Our fur babies are part of the family and bring us so much happiness! Big Hugs!
