
Thursday, April 26, 2018

Lucy, Infection, and Washers, Oh My!

Yesterday about 3 in the afternoon it got really dark outside. I was sitting on the sofa with my laptop so I checked the intellicast website for our area and there was a nasty bunch of yellow and green approaching from the northwest on the map which meant a thunderstorm. About 5 minutes later, the thunder woke Lucy up and I immediately had a little vibrating dog pushing up against my ribs. David called to ask if Lucy was vibrating and we laughed but it wasn't really funny to poor Lucy. She was so scared that she wouldn't eat her dinner. So, I covered it with cling wrap and started making David's dinner and soup for me. She was underfoot the whole time I was cooking. The storm didn't clear out until about 6:30 in the evening. The storm was pretty bad for Lucy. When it finally moved on she was able to eat and she soon became her usual teasing self again. We aren't expecting any more rainstorms, not until Monday next week.
I'm still in a bit of pain and my dentist ordered an antibiotic to fight off the residue of infection so it doesn't travel to my knees. When you have joints replaced in your body, any infection could travel to that joint and cause problems, meaning the infection attacks the bone tissue that the fake joint is attached to. This happened to me when I had a kidney infection and the doctor had to take out my left fake knee joint and I had to undergo infection control by having a central line put in my arm and having antibiotic IV every evening for 2 months. I did finally get a new fake knee put back in but I don't want to go through all that pain again, ever.
David and I are going to Home Desperate to buy a new washer. The one we have is a top loader and it would cost us beyond what we bought it for on sale to have it repaired. It has to have the computer board replaced for $400. So fuck it, we'll buy a new one. I told David I went online and found a really nice top loader washer and it's not on any recall list, in fact, it's one of the top buyers guide washers for 2018. We will see what happens Saturday.


  1. Ha ha, that Lady Gaga meme made me laugh out loud! I'm excited that you're getting a new top loader washing machine. Yes, that's how quiet my life is these days.

  2. yep, lady gaga indeed!

    a new washer, how exciting! at some point it doesn't pay to have them repaired (like an old car).

    poor lucy girl!

  3. Poor Lucy! I feel for her! Having your fake knee removed? Please take care of your teeth!!! Have fun getting your new machine! Big Hugs!

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