
Thursday, April 19, 2018

What Happened Monday

Mmkay, on Monday, I had a lot of stuff to take care of. That afternoon I was hurting so bad and then having to take a half hour drive to a new specialist in San Marcos was maddening, to say the least. Well, the doctor saw me and prescribed a drug to take the swelling away. The generic is Hydroxychloroquine for Plaquenil. It's a drug used to treat malaria. Yeah, I have to take half a 200mg tablet for one week, then 1 tablet for the next week, then 2 tablets thereafter. The doctor also wanted several blood tests and x-rays done. I have to have 14 vials of blood drawn this will most likely require an IV line and 23 x-rays of my body. I had the x-rays done, which took about 20 minutes. I'll need to go to the hospital to get the blood drawn because the usual place that I go to doesn't have the facilities for drawing that many vials and it can be life-threatening sometimes. I'm not too worried about it but the place I called is. So the hospital will be my target. I also have to go back to the doctor of course to see the results and to see what the next call will be.
So, the pain of waiting for the doctor to finalize all this stuff I have to get done was making me sick. Then David wanted to go to eat so we went. I figured I would feel better with something in my stomach. Eating did make me feel better. Then we talked about the tests and all the X-rays. I wanted to back out but David being the way he is, felt that if finding out what is making me a hot mess will make me better then he was all for it no matter the cost. So, we went to the Imaging Center and I got the x-rays done. it was painful and I was so grateful that that part was over. We talked it over on the drive home and he will take me to and from the hospital because I might not be able to drive. We will schedule it for next month before I go back to see the doctor.
So, that was the reason why I wasn't blogging for Monday and Tuesday. I was hurting so bad and not sleeping. Wednesday I thought of blogging about this but I saved it for today. I can't let my dog loving friends down. I'm feeling a bit better today and since I've been on the new drug some of the swelling in my back has come down. At least I'm able to sit and stand without so much pain. Lucy has been watching over me. She refuses to go to bed until I go first. If I go to bed early she lays at the foot of the bed waiting for David. When he comes to bed she leaves and sleeps in the hall. She gets up when I get up. She is my constant shadow, watching my every move. When I did laundry yesterday she stood guard at the laundry room door facing the kitchen, as if she was protecting me from someone. It was a bit unnerving to see her like that. David says she's protecting the mommy. Let her do her job. She feels useful that way. So, my shadow is protecting me. I'll have to leave her inside the house because I'm going to cut back my roses and try to cut down a dead bougainvillea that died over the winter. Lucy is not going to like that.  


  1. uh, don't make your back hurt worse with all the yard work. let lucy nurse you back to health. growing old ain't for the weak, girl!

  2. Lordy, I cannot imagine the pain you must. Aren't dogs amazing at what they know?

  3. Sorry to hear you were in so much pain this week. I hope the malaria drug makes a real difference! And I'm with David about the wisdom of doing all those tests. Hopefully they'll lead to some answers?

  4. wow...a malaria drug! i hope it works. winnie is my shadow too. she goes to the bathroom with me!

  5. I am so sorry with all your going through! I just pray that things start to truly work for you and you get some answers! Take it easy outside and give Lucy a hug from me!
