
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Fuck You - I Had Stuff to Do

Sorry, I'm posting a little late today but I had to run errands and get my blood drawn again for my doctor's appointment next week. My appointment with my Orthopedic surgeon yesterday went fine. I told him that I have MCTD. He was more interested in the MCTD and the changes that I made in my lifestyle and diet than anything else. He was telling me he is trying to change his diet to a more plant-based diet and wanted to know what I was doing. Otherwise, I have to come back to see him in 6 weeks to see if I'll have surgery or not.
I have to tell all y'all this one true story. It made me laugh when it happened. 
Yesterday, when we got back from the doctor's office, I took Lucy out so she could do her business. She has had the stinky poots something awful since David gave her a bit of his Summer Sausage that he buys from Walmart. It stinks to high heaven and even worse when Lucy has some. Anywho, Lucy was standing under the pecan tree and she farted and I mean loudly. At that moment 3 little birds fell out of the pecan tree and started flapping their wings wildly like fish out of water. They flew away when they heard me laugh. I brought Lucy in and told David what happened and he laughed but in reality, the birds were fighting and fell coincidently at the right time. They were flapping around trying to get their bearings because they hit the ground so hard. It was just so funny because it all came together at the right time. You just can't make this shit up.


  1. For gawd's sake, don't feed Lucy any more summer sausage -- she'll kill you all!

  2. bwhahahahahahahaha! we are all 13 year old boys inside waiting to get out!

  3. I can't stop laughing! LOL! thank you! Big Hugs!

  4. That's hilarious. Too bad you could not have gotten it all on video.
