
Thursday, May 24, 2018


Oh, so close but still wrong. Remember a few weeks ago when I said I went to see a specialist on autoimmune diseases? That doctor prescribed Plaquenil, had me get like 23 x-rays until I glowed and had me drawn for 14  or so vials of blood by Dracula. Well, David and I went back to see him yesterday. Guess what? This doctor actually found out what's bothering me. Yes. Yes, he did. It isn't fibromyalgia. It isn't MS. It's MCTD. Go ahead, Google it, I'll wait. Did you find it? It's Mixed Connective  Tissue Disease for those of you who didn't look it up. Lazy fuckers. 
Anywho, MCTD is a variation of SLE or Lupus. MCTD can mimic fibro and this nasty fucker can develop over time into full-blown Lupus. You can die from it but it's like I have a better chance of dying of old age first.  So, I actually have something real that is bothering me. Why couldn't it be a chocolate deficiency? 
All this time being out in the sun I never thought I had anything to worry about. Now I have to avoid the sun or I'll have a Lupus flare. I now understand why I'm so tired all the time for no reason, the brain fog, forgetfulness, headaches, ice cold hands and feet, why I don't feel hungry, swollen fingers, pain in my joints and muscle weakness, and let's not forget my lovely friend Insomnia. Sounds like fun, huh? 
Well, since I know what's fucking me over, do I get an extra spoon? Just wondering . . . for a friend . . . you know.

**Special Note**
I'm not writing all my health issue shit on my blog because I want attention or sympathy. I'm doing this as a side record for myself and for others with autoimmune diseases. This is to teach and inform. This is not a fucking pity party. If you think you might have fibro or something bothering you, go get the proper tests done by a doctor that knows autoimmune diseases. If he/she doesn't have your blood drawn or x-rayed until you're your own night light, to have half a trillion fucking tests done to find out what's eating you from the inside out then move on and find another doctor. It will be worth the money, time and pain in the long run.


  1. mctd...never heard of it until now. what fun! my first chow had lupus and that is one nasty disease. how will they treat this? autoimmune diseases are so tricky.

  2. Good news is; If you feel all fucked up it's real.
    Bad news is: If you feel all fucked up it's real.

    p.s. I am one of the lazy fuckers, I just kept on reading. Glad you have an answer!

  3. I'mma lazy fucker too! never heard of this disease either. thanks for the PSA.

  4. I've heard of lupus before but not this variant of it. Sounds like a nasty mofo, alright. But at least now you've got an official diagnosis and hopefully that means there are targeted, specific treatments to help. Sending you hugs and best wishes. Even though it turned out not to be chocolate deficiency, I'd eat lots of chocolate just to safe, if I were you.

    1. Lots and lots of chocolate; Safety First!!!

  5. I’m glad you have a diagnosis. But sorry it’s such a shitty one. I hope you find some relief now that you know what it is.

  6. I'm happy you know what is going on and I'm so thankful for you sharing this all with us!! I hope whatever treatments you have to do, really help! Big Hugs!
