
Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday Shit n Stuff

It's overcast today. Just like yesterday. It's nice, not too hot, not too cool. I was sitting outside and almost forgot, shit balls, I have a blog to write. I really didn't want to go in the house. The sun was peaking in and out of the clouds. A perfect day. The quiet days are coming to an end because the kids in the neighborhood are out for summer vacation now. Lazy summer days have started early.
I finally have gotten used to walking with the leg brace. It was quite cumbersome for the first few days but I'm used to walking without stretching my leg out which is the norm now. I was able to stand for a while longer too. Usually, I was out of breath because learning to shorten my gait meant having to take more steps. I'm not sure why I was using so much energy and out of breath but I've learned to conserve my energy while walking and I'm not as breathless. When I'm not wearing the brace like before bedtime, I find myself still walking as if I had the brace on. Strange shit y'all. My leg still hurts from the pulled hamstring but it's mostly at night in bed when I'm not wearing the brace. The pain keeps me up for hours and my pain meds are not working. I need to find a way to fight this problem.
Over the weekend David let me sleep late and I was grateful for it. He actually cleaned the house, completed the laundry, did the grocery shopping and then weeded the yard and mowed the lawn. He did so much that I had nothing to do. I was a lady of leisure the whole weekend. I asked him not to get me anything for mother's day but he did anyway. His excuse was the puppies twisted his arm and gave him money to buy a card and my favorite chocolates. Yeah, according to David, the puppies are selling catnip to the neighborhood cats and the cats are hooked. Lucy is also hooking on the corner. 
Well, I have to go do my exercises for my knee and then I promised to take Lucy to the dog park for a while. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. Sounds like things are going well. I like both those memes!

  2. I'm glad things are going better! And, I'm very happy David is taking care of you! Big Hugs!
