
Monday, May 21, 2018

Monday- Stuff and Thangs

I woke up a bit late this morning and right away I started cleaning and I had one last load of wash to finish today. Lucy right away was giving me flack for not taking a rest now and then and I think I should have listened to her. I wasn't wearing my brace and my knee gave out again but this time I was hanging on to the washer when I almost fell. I promptly put the brace on and sat down for a bit before continuing my cleaning. I then noticed I hadn't watered my houseplants for almost 2 weeks so I filled a pitcher with water and gave them all a nice drink. Lucy gave up on me and curled up on the sofa and took a nap. Lazy little girl. So now I'm sitting next to her typing away and loving the quiet that is this house. 
It's overcast and muggy from the humidity this morning. I can hear the distant thunder just south of us. I checked the weather map and it showed a storm near the coast. That's a good 100 miles at least and yet it's so quiet today that I can hear the rumbling. Yesterday we had thunderstorms and rain off and on all day long. It was refreshing to have the rain put an end to all the pollen flying around. The roses in our front yard certainly loved the rain. They are blooming like crazy again and my little lemon trees loved that rain too. I will have to get David to move a couple of bags of potting soil for me so I can repot them when I get back from my doctor's office on Wednesday. I have to repot the ficus and I also need to repot my hanging baskets too. Since David will be off on Wednesday, I want him to cut the overgrowth of the wisteria in the front garden away from the window. It's nice to have the shade but I can barely see out. I also have to have him cut the climbing roses back a little because it's gone crazy and attacking the pecan tree. Well, I have to fold some towels now. The wash is done and I'll just read for my free time. Y'all have a magical day.


  1. I hope this close call convinces you to wear your brace all the time!

  2. i think your humidity is headed this way. i hate humidity. i agree with debra! keep that brace on!

  3. prop up that leg and listen to lucy! have a lazy afternoon!

  4. Please keep your brace on at all times!!! Big Hugs!
