
Monday, June 18, 2018

Fuck This Shit

That's how I feel today. Fuck this shit. I'm so tired of that nasty orangutang in the oval office throwing his feces at our allies and making friends with asshole dictators and then implementing their tactics here in the U.S., it's getting worse. We need to impeach that fat bastard and do it quickly. 
I guess I'm just tired of my pain, it puts me in a really bad mood and it keeps me from sleeping. Nothing is working. My RA in my back is so bad when the humidity goes up that it feels like my legs want to detach from my hip. I can't do a thing about it except apply the heating pad, do my exercises and take my pills. It really sucks. What is really bad is a storm that is brewing in the gulf and I can feel the pressure building in my hip. The rain forecast is for all week. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain. It's great for the plants, trees, etc. I just hate the effects of it on my body.
Yesterday, our neighbors across the street celebrated Father's Day, and the soccer game, Mexico's win against Germany and possibly everything under the sun, moon, and stars. Yes, it was off-key drunk singing at the top of their lungs until 3:30 this morning. It's really quiet over there right now. Some of them might be nursing hangovers in their menudo. 
Yeah, get the bong, I'm done.


  1. this country is being run by an insane dictator and no one is doing anything. the USA is searating children from their parents at the border? WHAT!!!??? the fucknugget needs to go asap!

  2. if we impeach the dump we get pence who is 100x worse than the dump. I want every fucking GOPrick thrown into a detention camp NOW!

  3. Have a nap this afternoon if possible!

  4. Leanna, it does seem that the world is getting uglier by the day which makes it difficult to handle personal pain and issues. I do hope you get some sleep and some release from the pain.

  5. I'm so sorry! I wish I could do something for you!! Big Hugs!
