
Thursday, July 19, 2018

Yes, Yes I am

Don't be surprised if I tell you now that David is probably planning to either divorce me in the very near future or kill me and make it look like an accident, which won't be hard to do because I am the most accident prone bitch this side of the Mississippi and Bravos rivers. I fell again but this time my right knee gave out. I was able to get up but dayum, that hurt. I fell right after getting out of bed this morning so I didn't have time to put on my leg brace. I'm rambling again.
Anywho, I'm costing that man a lot of money in medical bills. Before he even met me he never saw a doctor except for a bad ear infection and that was when he was just starting high school. Now he sees our doctor every four months and I'm seeing three doctors one every three months. It's getting ridiculous. I told David we need to cut down and see the family doc once a year, my pain doc once every six months and my rheumatoid doc every six months. Otherwise, we are going to be in the poor house inside of a year.
Well, it's Thursday. I have a butt load of laundry to do today but I'm going to break it into four loads. Two for today and two for tomorrow. I really hate doing laundry on weekends because David likes to drag me out of the cave and take me places. So I generally have a thing about no housework or laundry on weekends. Today I'm doing white clothes and towels and then I'll do the jeans after. Tomorrow it will be his work clothes and then my clothes. It works out pretty well that way. I have nothing to do over the weekend but maybe watch some TV, lounge around or watch him putter around in the yard while I drink iced cold lemonade. Sigh, the hard life of a Texas housewife. Whatevah shall I do?


  1. Sorry to hear you fell again! It's very fortunate that you and he have good health insurance and benefits. If he gets that coverage through work, even better.

  2. rut row....... Crap it....... that hurts.
    Well, meet your accidental twin. I'm the most accident prone person on the other side of the Mississippi and live in Mississippi.

    Ortho put me in a boot Tuesday. xrays on side of ankle and back didn't show anything of course. I think they just say that so they can make you come in for an MRI. I had the MRI yesterday. But, really hacks me off that I could not get back in to see her until August 2nd for her to tell me what's going on with it.

    We are doing some shopping and going to eat tonight after work. They hubby will have to work tomorrow because it has rained so much this week he hasn't finished a deck he's working on. I went the past 2 Saturdays to help him, but will be staying my happy butt at home tomorrow.

    Will be crafting and piddling in the house. No yard stomping with this boot on.


    Happy weekend.

  3. We need universal health care.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  4. I am so sorry!!!! Please be careful!!! I hope you're having a good weekend! Big Hugs!
