
Thursday, July 26, 2018

It's Thursday

Something funny to do for those that have time on their hands. Go to the Google page and click on the word "images." Then when the box comes up in the middle of the page, type in the word idiot and then press enter and see what comes up. It's priceless.
Okay, back to regular shit. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with my rheumatologist. It usually takes twenty minutes of a wait time for only two minutes of him asking if I feel okay. That's it. That's all. Just a waste of my time and my husband has to take off just to drive me up there and back. *Sigh* Some days it's just not worth it to chew through the restraints. The Plaquenil is working. The swelling in my hands and joints has gone down considerably. It's just, I wish I didn't have to see him but once a year.
After that, I have to go get another x-ray of my right knee before the surgery. So, we will be heading to the hospital for that and to pre-admit to get all the paperwork done. And then after that, I would love to go out to eat for dinner but I'm sure I'll end up in so much pain I'll really want more than anything to just go home and lie on the sofa with Lucy
The weather is getting worse. I think Mother Nature is pissed and wants us off the planet. No. Really. She is wreaking havoc with everyone in the east by flooding y'all out. Trying to bake us in the southwest and trying to burn us in the west. I don't have a clue what is happening in the north but don't count yourselves lucky just yet. She has plans for all y'all. Just you hold on. She'll get to y'all promptly.
Well, since it's Thursday, I have two loads of laundry to finish. Then maybe I'll try to take a little nap or not. I haven't been sleeping well. My knee, my back, aw hell, everything hurts. I just can't sleep. I tried everything now. I even took two sleeping aids, which I shouldn't and nothing. I'm wide awake, just moving real slow. Lucy pisses me off because she can fall asleep even standing up. Yes! I kid you not. She was staring at me and fell asleep. I can't get over it. She will sleep all day if I don't keep her busy following me. She's something else and David says she's spoiled rotten. I'm rambling again. I have work to get to. 


  1. we are not flooded in my home, but I know of many people that have wet basements due to all our rain.

  2. The weather has been so wonky. I'm dreading seeing the power bill this month.
    Hope all goes well with the Dr. Appts.

  3. We are 10 - 12 C. above normal here. It’s crazy!

  4. it's texas's's fucking hot..

  5. Good luck with the surgery. My wife and I are sending good thoughts.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. The weather has not been good here either! I'm really hoping everything goes well with your health and I hope you get some sleep!! Maybe you should follow Lucy around? LOL!
