
Tuesday, July 3, 2018

It's Tuesday

The baking is on hold for a while. My back started acting up last night and I had to take a really hot shower this morning just to be able to get dressed. We are supposed to have rain off and on for the rest of the week. The thing is, it doesn't necessarily have to rain to fuck up my life and bring me so much pain. All it takes is the barometer to start falling and my body feels it for days. No matter, I have my heating pad and hopefully, my pain pills will work. Yeah, I know. I always say that but it never turns out that way.
David still hasn't done anything on that list I gave him. I did knock off two things from it from yesterday that I completed. He has just three items now. He's sitting watching TV. I swear ever since we got that Roku he has been glued to the boob tube. He has binge-watched almost everything on Netflix. What could be left to watch?
Today it's supposed to be really hot, somewhere around 104 for us they say. Yesterday was a scorcher. Spunky refuses to go out to pee so I have had to put down puppy pads in the laundry room. I hope this heat wave breaks up soon because I don't want him to get comfortable going in the house. Lucy refuses to use the puppy pads. She goes out even though it's hot. She's such a sweet little responsible shit ball.
Lucy, watching for David who is in HEB
Right now she is sleeping next to me on the sofa. The thing is, she is actually pushing on my thigh so hard that if she pushes any harder she's going to be on the other side of me. She does this to know when I get up so she can go with me. I have a question. Does anyone else who has a cat or dog have this problem? When I go to the bathroom and close the door Lucy whines until I come out. If by chance I don't close the door she comes in to watch me. I guess it's to make sure I don't fall into the commode. I noticed when she watches me she has such a worried look in her eyes. She does the same thing to David.


  1. Oh, that third meme gave me a good laugh!

  2. Most dog owners complain about the same thing. My two cats are barn cats so they always live outside, both were abandoned so I took them in. However they seem to understand this and are under foot 24/7, I joke that I should have called them Trip and Boots because I trip over them and step on them a dozen times a day. If I'm outside and they can't see me for five minutes, they are running around wailing and crying until they locate me again. I'm their hero I guess lol.

  3. winnie follows me everywhere! it's about the same weather here but we have horrible humidity. enough already!

  4. two of my cats like to be in the bathroom while I shower or pee. don't know why.

  5. the older you get the more dangerous it is to fart.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. My brother's cats do the same to him. I don't know why? I hope your back is better! Big Hugs!

  7. When country was alive and I was at home I didn’t go to the bathroom for 18 years by myself

    It was actually weird not having her follow me everywhere

  8. I'm not baking's a 143 degrees outside..why the fuck should I turn oven on..
