
Monday, July 23, 2018

Scatter Brained

I'm running late with my post this morning, sorry about that. Ever have one of those days where it seems that you're a bit screwed up in the memory department? Well, that seems to be the case for me. I keep starting to do shit and then forget and start doing something else and then get sidetracked and start doing something else. It's a vicious cycle. I was going to repot my pineapple plants and felt it was too hot so I decided to vacuum the living room and bedroom. That got sidetracked because I stripped the bed and started the linens in the washer then I unloaded the dishes in the kitchen and started putting things away and then Spunky wanted out so I let him out and noticed the plants in the TV room needed watering and got sidetracked from that when I let Spunky back inside I decided to sweep because I noticed the floor was dirty. When I got to the hallway I noticed the bathroom needed to be cleaned and started that, and on and on and on. What the FUCK y'all? My mind is preoccupied that's what it is. Well, I think that's what it is. So, now I have a vacuum sitting in the bedroom, not done. Dishes on the kitchen counter, not put away, plants not watered, and a bathroom half cleaned and the house half swept. WTF indeed!?! Everything is back to normal now. I finally backtracked and I completed each chore. So, I'm happy about that.
Hey, did anyone realize that in the cartoon movie, Yellow Submarine, the Beatles didn't do their own voices? It's true look it up here. I was thinking about the movie Yellow Submarine last night and I thought I would investigate who wrote and produced it. I was really surprised to find the Beatles voices were not their own. I found out a whole butt load of shit on that movie that I didn't know. You have to go read about it. It's kinda interesting.


  1. I have days like that. Drives me bonkers when I can't get anything done and find something that I started and left undone because I started doing something else.

    I get really mad when I totally screw something up because I forgot to finish it.

  2. you and dr. spo and my spouse have what spo calls "hummingbird brain"; the brain works so quickly that it forgets what it started.

    it pissed me off when I found out that the beatles did not do the voices for "yellow submarine". I will read your link tonight after I get home from work.

  3. The story of my life, girlfriend, the story of my li... *starts to brush Norbert because he is shedding everywhere*

  4. Make sure you breathe, when you have days like that!
    Very interesting about The Yellow Submarine! Big Hugs!
